Book Review Information

The Demon Plague - Book Review

"The Demon Plague by Joreid McFate is a fantastic paranormal suspense science-fiction novel, involving time-travel and mysticism. This 424 page book is also available in e-book format.

Born Evil - Book Review

"Author of two books and many short stories, J.P.

The Laid Daughter

There has been a lot of publicity lately centered on the issue of child molestation. Child molestation is a horrific form of child abuse that leaves its victims with a deep loss of self and the inability to cope with life's challenges.

Sportcraft Treadmills

Sportcraft Treadmills - Lowww EndSportcraft treadmills are late entries from Sportcraft, Ltd.A long-time producer of indoor and outdoor games and sports equipment and darling of mass-market chains like K-Mart, Wal Mart, and Target, all of which have named it a vendor or supplier of the year.

Life Lines

Joyce Meyers has been inspiring Christians for decades with the pearls of inspirational wisdom which she has faithfully shared via her radio program and books. Now, her husband Dave shares a powerful devotional crafted from a strong, personal walk with the Lord.

Call Me Mommy - Book Review

Retired police captain, Marshall Frank, has written another excellent read in his latest work, Call Me Mommy. Marshall is definitely a prolific writer - he has authored five books and hundreds of short stories and essays to date.

10 Best How-To Books Ever Written

Somebody once said there are more book titles beginning with the words "how to" than with anything else. Perhaps that's because we all want to learn to do things better.

Please Don't Just Do What I Tell You, Do What Needs to Be Done - AchieveMax® Top Ten Book Review

Please Don't Just Do What I Tell You, Do What Needs to Be Done: Every Employee's Guide to Making Work More Rewarding by Bob NelsonHere's another mini-book, 105 pages, that packs a real wallop in a simple, smart and savvy way. Bob Nelson is the million-copy best-selling author of the 1001 Ways series (1001 Ways To Reward Employees, 1001 Ways To Energize Employees, and 1001 Ways To Take Initiative At Work) and Managing for Dummies.

Practice What You Preach - AchieveMax® Top Ten Book Review

Practice What You Preach: What Managers Must Do to Create a High Achievement Culture by David H. MaisterI can't believe this book title hasn't surfaced until now.

Review for Broken Angel, by SW Vaughn

Broken Angel, by SW Vaughn, breathes with an insistent life of its own, pulling readers along through the dark underworld of barbaric fight clubs and prostitution.The story unfolds as twenty-two year old Gabriel Morgan, destitute and starving, discovers a lead to his missing sister's whereabouts deep in the seedy underbelly of Manhattan.

Russ Whitney: Journey To Greatness

Teenage years for Russ Whitney were not filled with opportunity, stability and financial security. He, as a teenager, was described as youth with no future prospects.

The Cranberry Bog - Book Review

"Scott Underhill takes readers on a stimulating, emotional ride in his book The Cranberry Bog, an environmental suspense novel. Environment Engineer, Jeff Ridge works for the Environment Protection Agency.

The Birth of I Confess

I dreamed since I was fourteen years old to spend most of my existence writing. I began reading at this time, and reading became my passion.

The World is Flat - This Book by Thomas L Friedman has Taken the Online Entrepreneurs by Storm

The New York Times' columnist visits India often. I read about his new book The World is Flat in his interview with a leading Indian National newspaper.

On the Brink of Risk - A Book You Wont Put Down

On the Brink of Risk is a fiction novel inspired in true events; it has a love story turned evil, hate and vengeance, intents to kill, negligence and malpractice at more than one hospital that almost lead to death, harassment and persecution by the political organizations and government officials as well as comments on everything the average citizen has to go through to endure everyday life in that Caribbean country.It was written under the pseudonym of Nancy Cruz and writing was at first an intent to make a catharsis and finally put to rest everything that had been a load in the author's mind and life for too many years, she thought that was the only way to really start anew.

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