Book Review Information

Multi-talented Author Joseph Yakel Releases Both Historical and Comedy Works

Author Joseph Yakel is leading a two-pronged charge to provide his avid readership with worthy materials. After releasing his first family history book in December 2004, he struck again with a comprehensive follow-up research work this month.

Sorat and the Modern Day Evil

"Sorat's evil will be spread by his infernal army of soulless followers, willing to give their lives for his pleasure in subjecting mankind to horror of the ultimate magnitude."The above mentioned quote summarizes one of the main themes in Hearne's political thriller, "Hulagu's Web".

Free Ebook Offer: The Story of America: Discovery - Article 3

Quite a lot happened in Europe between 1002AD, when the Vikings hurriedly packed their longships and retreated back to the colder climes of Greenland, and 1492AD, when the Spanish caravels, with Columbus so confident at the helm, accidentally stumbled across the forgotten continent.The period, collectively known as the Renaissance, saw a general revival of interest in intellectual thought.

Not Just A Shocking Horror Tale: The Surgeon By Tess Gerritsen

The Surgeon grabbed me and kept me reading. The suspense builds with every page.

Inspiration for the Fired Soul

You're Fired! is a book that tackles the real story's behind these two little words that pack so much punch.This is an Ebook that gets people motivated and inspired to take a different approach to being fired.

Twin Falls, Gooding, Jerome, ID, and Regional Economic Outlook for 2005

Twin Falls Economic Report done by me; Twin Falls, ID has potential for additional car washes, Detail Centers and mobile washing units. Twin Falls has enough water in their reservoirs to make it through the Summer for farmers and agriculture industries.

The New Art of War, Tactics, and Power

To rise and flourish in the world, you need to act according to how things really are, and you need to be a good strategist and manager. Most of the tactical information in the world lacks much practical value.

Book Summary: Networking For Professional Success

Book Summary:This article is based on the following book: Effective Networking for Professional Success: "How to Make the Most of Your Personal Contacts" by Rupert Hart, Stirling Books, 1997 ISBN 0 949 142 09 3 125 pagesWe are all "self-employed" now.Today there is absolutely no job security.

Book Review: Karmic Relationships

Karmic Relationships: Healing Invisible WoundsCharles Richards, Ph.D.

Alison's Journey: Book Review

"The dedication in this book is a work of poetry in itself. I had a distinct recollection of 'Sleeping with the Enemy' when reading this book, but this story has some very unique twists and turns.

Dark Autumn - Book Review

"Now this could definitely be a movie! Dark Autumn is fantastic action-packed futuristic thriller that had me riveted for days. The energy was kept very high throughout the book.

Druxel Manor - Book Review

"Druxel Manor is a stimulating thriller-mystery-romance novel that keeps the reader guessing. Who do you trust? Everyone seems to know a little something but no one is willing to explain - or rather, what is revealed only creates more confusion.

Fire in the Ice: Book Review

"An excellent novel that will wring tears of frustration and pain and then tears of joy from the reader.'Fire in the Ice' is a perfect title for this book.

Mathew and the Highland Rescue - Book Review

"A stimulating adventure! Sabine Muir has written a wonderful children's story that can be read many, many times. This is a time-travel, Christian fantasy novel that reminds me a little bit of one of my favorite childhood books, 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe'.

Pandemonium - Book Review

"Within the first few pages, I was engrossed and deeply moved by Apina Hrbek's eloquent writing skills. Tears of compassion were in my eyes at several points in this moving story of survival.

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