Book Review Information

Dont Eat This Book by Morgan Spurlock: Lightweight But Convincing Expose of the Fast Food Industry

For those of you who've been on another planet for the past year or so, Morgan Spurlock is a filmaker who spent an entire month eating nothing but McDonald's food and filming the decline in his health, expanding waistline and other alarming consequences of this damaging diet.The result was the gripping documentary, Super Size Me, which earned a well-deserved Oscar nomination.

HIV-Muscles: This is the Title of a New Book about One Mans Battle with HIV

Today Lavaine is doing well and able to go about life in a manner which would never have been thought possible in 1986. This was the year which he was diagnosed as HIV+.

The Legend of Juggin Joe - A Preview of the Comedy Sensation You Dont Want to Miss!

THE FROGGIN INCIDENTAs I recall this particular happenin', which we all referred tah as the "Froggin Incident", it all started out innocent enough. T'were on a pleasant summer Saturday gatherin at Doc an' Isabel's.

Men of Extreme Action - Book Review

"Action, thriller and humor - this book has it all! Men of Extreme Action by Joseph Kochanoff is one of the better books I have reviewed this year. Based in the action movie making industry, Joseph incorporates murder, excellent fight scenes and sabotage.

Gilleland Poetry: A Book Review

For me, poetry is often too obtuse and difficult for me to get into. Whether it is the abstract metaphors, or difficult line structure, I end up struggling more than I would like to.

Story Structure - Three Heroes

Three Heroes Story Structure follows the Hero's Journey mould but distinguishes itself by making both the hero and the shape shifter both likeable and deserving of the final prize.The Classic Hero's Journey also makes the shape shifter likeable and deserving of the prize but in Three Heroes, we get more of the Shape Shifter's back-story and surprisingly little of the Hero's.

Amazing Holy Grail Discovery

In a profound and provocative work of scholarly detection, best-selling UK author Philip Gardiner shakes the foundations of modern belief by at last revealing the true origins of The Holy Grail, Elixir of Life and Philosopher's Stone. Shrouded in mystery, these highly enigmatic symbols have long been revered and The Serpent Grail proves, without doubt, that all three are inextricably linked, originating from the same ancient source.

Story Structure - Classic Hero's Journey

The Classical Hero's Journey is one of the most detailed story structures containing 106 sequences overall and 32 in Act III alone.A descendant of Campbell's Hero with a Thousand Faces and containing references to all the normal and less usual Archetypes: Peer Brothers, the Failed Hero and more, it allows the screen or story writer to quickly map out a step outline, template or first draft screenplay.

Her Backyard: Book Review

Her Backyard by Doreen Lewis is an adventure, romance novel that depicts a career woman in the middle of self-discovery. It is about making choices that may not be so easy to make and complex relationships between co-workers, siblings and friends.

The Southwest Airlines Way - AchieveMax® Top Ten Book Review

Over the years, several books and countless magazine and newspaper articles have been written about Southwest Airlines. Numerous MBA programs highlight the Southwest structure, its culture, its CEO, its low fares and other reasons as to why it is the bright spot in an otherwise dismally performing industry.

What Really Works - AchieveMax® Top Ten Book Review

If you watch television, read the newspaper and/or magazines, frequent the Internet, or simply move in any kind of a business circle, you must have, at one time or another, pondered the following:Why do some organizations consistently outperform their competitors?What do managers at the best companies know-and do-to keep their organizations on top?When it comes to implementing management practices that can propel a company to lasting success ..

Getting Hip

Getting Hip by Sigrid Macdonald is a delicate story of one woman; Sigrid Macdonald and her beginning to end on a road to preparations and recovery from a total hip replacement. This book is a source of beneficial information for anyone who is searching for the facts about hip surgery.

Hug Your Customers - AchieveMax® Top Ten Book Review

Don't panic. Jack Mitchell, the author of Hug Your Customers: The Proven Way to Personalize Sales and Achieve Astounding Results, isn't suggesting that you take his title literally.

How Would You Move Mount Fuji? - AchieveMax® Top Ten Book Review

For a number of reasons, today's hiring managers from Wall Street to the Silicon Valley are totally restructuring their approach to interviewing job prospects. Few will admit it has anything to do with the fact that our litigious society makes it very difficult to ask almost any personal question of today's job applicant.

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life - AchieveMax® Top Ten Book Review

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life is another book focusing on the obvious. We've heard it all before.

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