HIV-Muscles: This is the Title of a New Book about One Mans Battle with HIV

Today Lavaine is doing well and able to go about life in a manner which would never have been thought possible in 1986. This was the year which he was diagnosed as HIV+. The first treatment for HIV was called AZT, in 1988.

By 1995 other treatments had been developed but with very limited success. At that time much research had been done and it was found that more drugs than just one or two used together could in most cases 'demolish' the HIV to such an extent that it was unable to replicate in the body.

This was to save countless lives and those people who are fortunate enough to live in countries where these drugs are available have a very good chance of living with HIV, and not progressing to Aids.

The HIV virus is notorious at being able to 'hide' in the human body, so there is no cure. The drugs available are in various classes and although they work in different ways, are formulated to prevent the virus from replicating. HIV attacks the very cells which are there to fight disease and mop up pathogens which are entering the body every moment. A lack of these cells inevitably leads to infections going unchecked, which in turn lead to serious illness.

There are cases of a very small number of people who are resistant to HIV. Some will never become HIV positive, Whilst others who do are very slow to become ill, and are termed 'Lon-term non-progressors.'

Perhaps Lavaine is one of these but doctors have always treated him as any other patient, with similar treatments.

So the book is available and is downloadable from the website: It costs $9.99 and for every book sold 1$ will be donated to Aids Charities.

Written by Ray Penn, Author of HIV-Muscles.

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