Albany, NY Family History Reference Now Available Thanks To Author Joseph Yakel

"Personal research references, especially for families who once lived in the South End area of Albany, are very difficult to come by", said Yakel. "Lower Albany had a very strong mix of European immigrants, especially Germans, throughout the 19th century. These were spirited, hard working people, that helped to build the city's distinction through their values and all kinds of family run businesses", he explained. "Unfortunately, unlike other parts of the city, such as the Central Avenue thoroughfare and the downtown district of Pearl Street, documentation relative to much of the South End, especially around the Second Avenue area, is far and few between."

He added, "Knowing that others have experienced the same frustration I have felt while trying to find useful research information about the lower Albany area and families, I decided to take a wonderful source of family history I already had in my possession, my grand aunt's autograph book, and make it available to other researchers. The book mentions dozens of surnames and individuals, and it's this kind of personal information that brings family history and genealogical research alive. I'm excited to share this book, and help to preserve the family history of Albany."

Joseph Yakel, third generation Albany native, presents this unique family work with a simple elegance certain to be enjoyed. To start, Joe provides some personal details on the life of his grand aunt, Mary Yakel, and her family. Then, below each original page entry, Joe has added interesting details about each person or family mentioned in the book, if known. Over 30 surnames fully indexed. The cover art and the background images come from the original autograph book cover, and provide warmth as well as symmetry from page to page.

The Yakel family (originally spelled Jackel and Jeckel) hails from the villages of Hergenfeld, Spabrucken and Wallhausen, located in the Kreis Kreuznach, Rhineland area of Germany. Since emigrating to Albany in 1847, the Yakel family has built upon the solid foundation of its Patriarch, Johannes Jeckel, to become well known throughout the Tri-City area.

"The Autograph Memories of Mary Yakel" can be purchased directly from Pricing is $9.00, plus any applicable sales tax and shipping charges.

Printed: 75 pages, 8.5 x 11.0 in., Saddle-stitch-bound, 80# white interior paper, black and white interior ink, 100# white exterior paper, full-color (CMYK) exterior
ISBN: 1-4116-2101-8
Copyright Year: © 2004

About the Author:
Among his credits, Joseph Yakel has three books. He describes two of them as 'serious' genealogy works. The Autograph Memories of Mary Yakel (December 2004) details the 19th century memoir of his grand aunt. The JACKEL, JECKEL, JAECKEL, IEKEL, YAKEL Family History Book (March 2005) is a family chronology, tracing 350 years of his Rheinish ancestry. Joe categorizes his third work, The Legend of Juggin Joe (March 2005) as a 'country boy comedy / melodrama' written with a corresponding country dialogue.

First published in 1998, Joe's articles have appeared in publications such as Communications Technology, The Pipeline, and Army Reserve Magazine. His articles have also been highlighted on USAWOA Online, USAR Online, and other Internet websites.

His books can be previewed and purchased at:

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