Going Deeper - Book Review

Going Deeper by Jean-Claude Koven is certainly a nicely presented, hard-cover book. This fiction fantasy has an obvious inclination to aid readers who are embarking on their personal spiritual quest.

The main character, Larry, is going through a break down, of sorts. He decides the best cure is to retreat into nature. The problem is that along the way, Larry begins to hear the voice of his dog speaking like a guru. Unsure if he is going completely mad, he continues in shock until he is able to absorb the shift in reality. Between Zeus, the talking dog, and being visited by a variety of spiritual guides, Larry learns the answers to his many questions about life, meaning, destiny and more.

One could say this is definitely a unique story line! Personally, I found the book difficult to read, as it was a little too deep, sometimes tedious and occasionally the story line seemed a little ridiculous. I truly believe it was the authors intent to include a vast amount of information that may guide spiritual seekers, but it is written with some elements of humor and zest. Jean-Claude has been on an extensive journey of his own and elements of many belief systems can be seen throughout the book.

ISBN#: 0972395458
Author: Jean-Claude Koven
Publisher: Prism House Press

~ Lillian Brummet - Book Reviewer - Co-author of the book Trash Talk, a guide for anyone concerned about his or her impact on the environment - Author of Towards Understanding, a collection of poetry.

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