How to Attract the Best Candidates for Your Business

(StatePoint) As most business owners know, one of the most valuable assets your enterprise needs to thrive is top-notch talent.

With one in four U.S. adults currently looking for a new job, the right people are out there, it’s just a matter of connecting with them. According to CareerBuilder, here’s how to make your company attractive to job seekers and how to leverage tools to find them:

• Make room for growth: A recent survey from CareerBuilder and Morning Consult finds that when it comes to what’s most important to job seekers, it’s “good salary/benefits and interesting work.”

Give potential employees confidence that working for you will allow them to take care of their finances, provide for their families and do work that they are proud of.

Before posting the position, first seek out industry insights to ensure your compensation package is competitive.

Also ensure that you’re offering a clear path for growth. During the interview process, let candidates know that if they are hired, you will invest the time and energy in seeing them develop professionally.

“Employers must get creative in their approach to skill development and training as a way to fill the existing skills gap and accelerate promotions,” says Kristin Kelley, chief marketing officer, CareerBuilder.

• Find your purpose: A people-oriented, purpose-driven work culture can help you not only attract great job candidates, but retain employees.

“Companies with a powerful mission, who also value their employees will stand the test of time. Creating an environment where people can thrive is equally important,” says Kelley.

• Be flexible: If the nature of your business allows for it, consider embracing new technologies that allow you to implement flexible work experiences, such as remote or hybrid work. Giving your employees the option to work from home is a key benefit that will attract talent, plus it could potentially broaden your pool nationwide or even internationally.

• Turn to easy-to-use hiring platforms: Finding the best fit for a given position can be extremely labor-intensive and time-consuming. However, hiring software featuring industry-leading technology can make the process much smoother and more efficient. For example, CareerBuilder offers recruiting solutions that allow you to target your ideal job seekers with custom campaigns, build your talent pipeline, and source and screen candidates in a fraction of the time. The platform allows employers to quickly create highly visible job postings in one central hub where 140 million resumes and social profiles reside, search for job candidates 50% faster and reduce the overall hiring time by more than 30%. For more information, visit

Talent acquisition is just one of a business owner’s many priorities. With the right mindset, strategies and tools, you can attract the best candidates for your business and bring them on board quickly.

PHOTO SOURCE: (c) dragana991 / iStock via Getty Images Plus

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