Small Business Information

Tips on Setting Up Your Small Business Bank Account

One of the first things you will need to set up is a bank account. We recommend a large bank because:They have locations everywhereThey have longer hoursThey will probably buy out your local community bank anywayIf you are an owner/operator of a small business, you will appreciate having a Debit or ATM card for your business.

Debit and ATM Card Advice for Small Businesses

Your business account comes with an ATM, Debit card. Pick a really secret pin number.

Q and A: Personalized Birthday Cards from Paul Leonard

Paul Leonard's paid greeting card service offers convenience when you're rushing to send birthday wishes.

Small Business - Big Business...Whats the Diff?

Small Business, Big Business - What's the Diff?Well a lot actually!I become frustrated and angry at the government's paying lip service to assisting small business. It appears as though all governments, bureaucrats and many accounting advisers do not know what a real small business is.

Making Your Purpose Your Business Step #2- Getting From Point A to Point B

In my previous article, Step 1, your challenge for the month was to research where your passion lies. Based on your research you might have discovered that self investigation can lead us to two places; either we find out our answer or we realize we need to ask more questions to get that answer.

To Buy Or Not To Buy: Lawn Mowing Business

TRUTH IN THE LAWN MOWING INDUSTRYWe do not wish to slander any company or person but instead share information that is of value to each and every one! Most people who enter this industry will be effected by one of the following and we see fit to share with you what we know and have seen.Buying Into A FranchiseOk buy into a franchise, spend 25 thousand.

Asking the RIGHT Questions

Which questions do you need to ask to even get a hintif you really want to know something about another person's business pain?We define business pain as a problem that a business needs to have a solution for. The pain may be that they do not have enough sales, or they do not have an appropriate process in order to track their forecasting.

Perfecting Your Pitch

Why should you describe your business to others in 5 to 10 seconds?How long do you think you have to get anyone's attention? 5 minutes? 2 minutes? 30 seconds? It is actually 10 seconds. I know it does not seem like a long period of time but you will be amazed what you can say in 10 seconds.

How To Accept Credit Cards

If you plan to do business online, then your website will need to accept credit cards. For many, the idea of applying for a merchant account sounds like a daunting task, but the truth is that building an online store is incredibly easy these days.

QSR Quick Service - Fast Food Restaurants Labor Situation in United States

One of the major complaints in the QSR Quick Service-Fast Food Restaurants Industry is the deplorable Labor Situation. In United States teen labor has become somewhat slim on ethical standards, showing up on time, drug use (both recreational and problematic), work ethic and trainability.

Small Business Essentials: Start Here

Thinking of starting a business on line? If so there are two things you absolutely must commit to before ever opening shop on the web. Any one who refuses to realistically consider these two factors should not be in business.

How to Protect Yourself & Your Business

As a business owner, you already know how important it is for your customers to feel safe about doing business with you. After all, if a customer even suspects he may not receive everything he was promised, then chances are he's taking his business elsewhere.

Don't Wait for the Perfect Plan

1. Don't Spend Too Much Time PlanningWhen you are entering a new market, you won't know the hidden problems and challenges you will face.

Small Business and Over Regulation

Over regulation of small business is so intense it is getting hard to make a buck.For my example of the type of over regulation in small business, which turns the American Dream into an American Nightmare, I will use a simple business like a car wash.

Dynamics of Daylight Savings Time on Service Businesses in the United States

The Dynamics of Daylight Savings Time changes the way we live and do business. What are the true dynamics of daylight Savings.

Old Data in Database Marketing Software

Database Problems in MarketingI have been working on a direct mail campaign for our team in many areas and we are finding that the yellow page listings and business list CDROMS contain so many closed companies that we are spending too much on the mailings, which are opened a little less because of the anthrax scare. Even customized lists are of little value.

Specialty Advertising in C-Stores

It appears the mini-blimp indoor theme and concept is making significant headway. We have seen them in the halls of Congress sniffing for anthrax.

Small Business Failures in America - Cash Flow Issues

We are noticing an increase in the length of time it takes Large corporations to pay on their invoices to our team. Fortune 500s are tending to pay their vendors more slowly, which will hurt the already strapped small businesses in America.

The Key To Success - Choose The Right Partners

Do you promote yourself as offering prompt, reliable and quality service?Of course - none of us promote ourselves as anything less, and equally we strive to provide this level of service all the time.So what happens when you take your networking to the next level, and start to offer referrals, or even establish partnerships or alliances for certain activities?Whatever you do at this point creates significant impact on your business and personal reputation - potentially positive and also potentially negative.

Small Business Pricing Strategies

TACTIC #1 -- Never simply slash your prices, unless you're trying to empty obsolete inventory. Instead, try repackaging your prices so they're more affordable in the short-run so more prospects can afford them.

Secrets to Washing Fleets of Trucks from a Nationwide Fleet Washing Service

Washing the exterior of a truck. Sounds easy right? Well, it's not really.

Image is Everything - Secrets to Cleaning Car Fleets

A recent survey indicated that clean Taxi Cabs Fleets have higher tip rates and repeat customers. How do you wash a taxicab? You do them four at a time and you go up and over and up and over when you are drying them.

Secrets of Cleaning Truck Trailers in Your Fleet from a Veteran Truck Washer

Cleaning the trailers towed by big trucks is not easy, those big forty-foot to fifty-three foot boxes are quite intimidating up close when you are holding nothing more than a brush and pressure washer gun, looking at a soap bucket. The hardest thing to do is to clean the back doors of trailers because they get really greasy from all the debris and stuff the truck has driven through.

Site Selection - Slice of Life, A Car Wash and Detail Center DownTown

There is a continual trend we are seeing which I can remember participating in over a decade ago, when cities were trying to figure out how to increase sales tax revenues when the large box stores outside of town came into nearby or surrounding areas. For instance a big and easy example would be Wal-Mart.

The Workers' Compensation Situation in this Country is Nuts, Arnold in CA Takes Action

The Workers' Compensation situation in this country is unbelievable. Why, well because of lawsuits and attorneys mostly.

Franchising in The Middle East There Will Bring Significant Opportunity for US Based Franchisors

As stability emerges in the Middle East there will be significant opportunity for the Franchising Community. Arab Franchising appears to be of interest for those seeking economic growth in much of that region of the World.

Franchise Sales and Use of Online Franchise Directories

Franchising Directory Sites-Paid Advertising, Lead Generation for FranchisingFranchising Directory Sites are not doing the Industry any good. Typically they charge a fee for advertising per month or charge per sales for the lead, there must be 50 such sites.

Using Business Broker In the Franchising Industry for Franchise Sales

Franchising companies often use Business Broker to help attain sales goals. Here is an interesting fact.

Setting Prices - Pricing Your Consulting Services

THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PRICINGIn case you hadn't noticed, people can react very differently when faced with the same price for a product or service. In fact in most cases, we'll never actually know what is in their minds when they consider a price and then decide to respond to it in certain way.

Small Business Operators - 7 Reasons You Should Change Your Accountant

A recent survey showed that only 28.7% of small business owners were happy with their accountant, and only half of those would recommend him to their friends because he was too busy already.

Operational Aspects on P and L Statements of Mobile Services Businesses

What kinds of things effect mobile service businesses P and L's? Well this is an excellent question and as I see the Annual reports of companies who do mobile services, such as Ecolab, Service Master, Halliburton, Luftstanza Food Services, etc. I see many similarities.

Will Adding a Car Wash to Your Fast Lube Add Additional Crime to Your Facilities?

Car Wash Crime in the Hood. Apparently not everyone is with us and certainly not everyone considers this to be a clean business.

Promote Yourself More Successfully

One of the great challenges for independent professionals and small businesses, especially when starting out, is generating visibility to ultimately lead to generating sales.One of the specific challenges, I have found, is knowing what to say about yourself and your operations and services when asked "so what do you do?"? Have you ever stumbled over your words when asked what you do?? Have you ever received the response, "Oh, I see", followed by silence?? Do you ever feel as though you do not know what to say about yourself?I am reminded of the 'elevator speech theory' (I do not know to whom to attribute its invention), which simply poses "if you were in a lift that opens on the tenth floor and in walks Bill Gates who asks what you do - what would you say, and you have only until the elevator gets to the bottom?"I have personally struggled with this at times, and equally have found that when I get it right, results flow - which initially could be as simple yet important of getting more time to converse with the person asking the question of you.

Secrets Revealed To Having The Most Professional Staff On The Telephone!

Do you have all the customers your business can use?The seemingly simple task of taking phone calls is a hidden liability for not just some, but most businesses. You've invested precious dollars in advertising and marketing.

Image of Your Franchise Automotive Outlet is So Important

Image of your franchise automotive outlet is so important. Some say image is everything, well then if you buy a franchise you should be constantly thinking of image and cleanliness.

Starting A Concrete Cleaning Pressure Washer Business

Concrete cleaning can be a lucrative business to start. Here are some tips which will help you do it right.

Looking for a Business to Run in the New Revitalized Downtown Area?

Looking for a place to add a Quick Lube away from your Super Wal-Mart Competitor? Down Town Revitalization, Why You Should Be Part of Such a Committee.A study showed that within the next five years 20% of LOF- Lube, Oil and Filter Independent Owners said they had plans on adding one or more facilities.

Window Cleaning Business Future Challenge With Self Cleaning Glass

Self-cleaning glass has been talked about a lot, with such a catchy name in his hit the headlines of not only the trade journals, but also the mass media. Does self-cleaning glass mean that all the window cleaners and small businesses across this country are doomed? No, not yet.

Business Scents - Do They Work?

You see it often in large shopping complexes. Customers seem to be flocking to a certain stall in large droves.

Self Serve Car Washes in the United States

In the 2003 Auto Laundry News Survey it was determined that only 10% of the Coin-op Car Washes had a web site. So if you are doing lots of individual research on car washes that are self serve, do not expect to find a lot of data on the Internet.

More Resources

Small Businesses with BIG NAMES: Protect Your Trademarks and Reap the Rewards
You're a small business owner with a hot new product or service and you're deciding what to name it. Perhaps you've even hired a graphic designer to create a flashy logo to go with it.
Entrepreneurs and Franchisors Watch Out
New Franchisors and Entrepreneurs need to watch out as they enter into the world of franchising. What advice can I give to a new franchisor, I was asked today by another entrepreneur with a wonderful new concept; what are the tiger traps that lay ahead?So you are a new franchisor? Who can you trust? Can you trust FranData? The Industry's information source was thought to be a friend, is it? Well they can get you on a list so that SBA Loans for your new franchisees go smoothly.
10 Ways to Start a Business on a Budget
If you've been thinking about starting a business, but are held back due to cash-flow issues, there are plenty of ways you can get your plans off the ground. Though your vision may be to own a big store, restaurant, warehouse, or office, consider starting on a smaller scale.
Reduce Stress, Increase Profits By Incorporating Strategic Systems In Your Small Business Success
Whether you are an Entrepreneur or Business Professional there are many things you do each week that would benefit from a strategic system to help you be more effective, reduce errors and stress, help you enjoy your time at work and give you more time to have fun outside of work.Strategic systems are not static; they allow you to be flexible, creative, and spontaneous, and because they help you look at situations with a clear focus and a specific intention you can easily achieve your desired results.
Does Your Company Have a Business Image Manual
Every business regardless of size needs a "Business Image Manual" to protect their band. Even the smallest companies with only a few employees is well served when there is a business image manual in place.
Personal Success - Take a Break from Business
Have Some Time to YourselfOne of the most important things you can have when running a successful business, is to have time for yourself. Every small business owner needs to make time to be quiet.
Increase Productivity and Business Success - Take Responsibility
Are you responsible for your results?What comes to mind when I say that?When you hear that you're totally responsible for the results you produce in your business and in your life---you might jump to a conclusion. You may think that I'm suggesting that you should take the blame for your results.
5 Tips for Hiring a GREAT Bookkeeper
Bookkeeping?the "dreaded" word is something we all have to worry about. Business owners rarely go into business to deal with the financial aspects of running a business.
But This Is Just My Opinion
Hi, Charles..
Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Joining a Professional Association
I'll be the first to admit that I went a little nuts when I moved I moved recently in terms of going all-out to participate in a variety of professional associations. I had some experience with most of the groups that I visited in other places I had lived, or had clients who had positive experiences with certain groups.
Naming Your Business: 3 Tips To Ensure Success
If you are just starting your business, or if you have just developed a new product or service for an existing business, one of the first questions you need to answer is, "What should I name it?" And while you may feel pressure to make this decision quickly, I caution you to not make it lightly. What kind of things should you take into consideration when choosing a name?(1) Don't Use Your Own NameWell, first of all, use a name other than your own name.
10 Best Practices to Consider as Your SBIR Negotations Approach Contract Signature
10 Best Practices to consider as your SBIR negotiations approach contract signature:1. Draft your confirmation of negotiations, be sure to memorialize that this is an SBIR type contract along with the applicable data rights and SBIR related terms and conditions.
Boat Detailing Tips and Procedures
Auto detailers are often asked to clean boats and detail boat trailers. There is an easy and efficient way to do this with little effort.
Entrepreneurs Go Virtual!
With the massive explosion of start-ups and home businesses developing, you'll be hard pressed to not know of someone going down the entrepreneurial route. Nowadays you can set-up shop and start trading in a matter of days, and the preferred choice for the neo entrepreneur is a service called Virtual Offices.
Business Debt Collection Letter Writing Secrets
Debt collection letters--an overview"Debt collection letter" in the singular may be an oxymoron, since unfortunately, one is rarely enough. You should have a series of letters to send to deadbeat clients, each one becoming a little more insistent.
1-2-3 Steps To A Successful Joint Venture
A successful joint venture marketing effort is the goal of many small businesses, and is a great way to increase market visibility and profits.Joint venture marketing is rising in popularity everyday, but it does take some skill, good planning and foresight to execute.
Choosing A Business Thats Right For You
Q: I really want to start my own business, but I have no idea what business would be best suited for me. I'm also eager to get started, but I don't want to pick the wrong business just because I'm impatient.
Small Business Mistakes: Are You Making Enough of Them?
That's right - are you making enough mistakes in your business? Some of you are probably annoyed at my question; others are thinking "Geez, Rose! If I made any more mistakes I'd have to run screaming back to a day job!"If you went to school in the public school system in America, you were culturally trained to avoid and hide mistakes, after all; your teachers and professors didn't give you a great grade for your efforts unless those efforts produced great results. So, too, if you were an employee in corporate America you were rewarded for chasing perfection and penalized for making mistakes.
Start a Technical Writing Service
Technical writing services are employed to explain the details of a topic in a way that is easily understood by the readers. In todays information age, technical writing jobs are increasingly common.
Pressure Washing Graders and Tractor Motors
When pressure washing heavy equipment each piece of equipment has a slightly different procedure to ensure efficiency. When a pressure washing company is bidding such jobs by the piece of equipment instead of the hour, they must be cognizant of this so they can maximize profits.

More Small Business Information:

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Setting Up a Pressure Washer Rig to Clean Concrete
Maximum efficiency in the cleaning industry is a key to survival and higher rates of income. The trailer or tuck unit needs to be set up so that you can use a garden hose and external water supply, because you never know when you are going to need one for concrete or other types of jobs.
Three Small Business Secrets to Getting More Billable Time
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Specialty Advertising in C-Stores
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Arent Small Businesses Lucky?
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Truck Detailing Shop Business Case Study
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Creating a Power Plan
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