Small Business Information

Street Wars Between Mobile Car Washers and Mobile Auto Detailers

There is much competition in the mobile auto detailing business. There are two different lines of reasoning emerging as to how the business should be run.

Competition in the Mobile Car Wash Industry

We have all seen the mobile washing units cruising our city, usually they are trucks, vans or trailer set ups with a water tank and a pressure washer unit aboard. They market their services with flyers and business cards, however most of their business comes from weekly repeats and referrals.

Auto Detailers and Competitive Aspects of Automobile Detailing

There are both fixed and mobile detailers. Consumers often will use either or both during the life of their car.

Small Businesses With Work Trucks; A Warning

If you are a non-operator owner of many work trucks, you should keep your business credit card with you not leave it in one of the trucks. You should not issue them to employees without strict guidlines.

Most Franchises Are Small Home Businesses

Many of our nations 400,000 franchisees run their businesses out of their homes and therefore their home addresses and phone numbers are listed in the Unifrom Franchsie Offering Circular's, attachments. Uniform Franchise Circulars, UFOC, are for franchise buyers and they explain the investment involved.

How to Get Maximum Results With Minimum Effort

Get maximum results with minimum effort. Sounds great doesn't it? The key is leverage.

Pet Grooming Business

Do you like animals? Would you like to work for yourself? Pet grooming could be the career for you.A grooming business is more than just washing dogs.

How To Start a Small Business

Not sure how to start a small business? This guide will offer you some useful tips on the basic requirements of starting a small business.Initially, there are two types of businesses available to you, Sole Trader or Partnership.

How To Select a Franchise

Here are some useful tips on how to select a franchise. When selecting a franchise, carefully consider a number of factors, such as the demand for the products or services, likely competition, the franchisor's background, and the level of support you will receive because like any other investment, purchasing a franchise is a risk.

Shopping For a Franchise

Shopping for a franchise is easy if you know what you are doing. You can choose between radio adverts, newspaper adverts, personal recommendation, Internet, or visit a franchise exhibition.

What To Consider Before Buying A Franchise

Here are some useful tips on what to consider before buying a franchise. Before investing in any franchise system, be sure to get a copy of the franchisor's disclosure document.

Buying a Franchise

Buying a franchise is not for everyone. This guide will help you evaluate whether buying a franchise is right for you.

Is Your Business Property Safe and Secure?

Security Professionals provide the products and services necessary to create a safe and secure workplace for you and your employees. Products such as lever hardware, panic and exit devices, desk locks and high security key control systems, as well as security boxes and safes, can help you protect your business and property.

The Benefits of Using Freelance Consultants / Trainers for Your Project

What are the benefits of using a Freelance Consultant / Trainer for your next project?Companies are often wary of employing freelance trainers when setting up a new project or contemplating a 'roll out' operation or 'change' scenario. There are however distinct advantages to using freelance as against permanent resources, and some of these are outlined as follows.

7 Advantages to Incorporating

There's no question that hard work and a little luck is what it takes to BE successful. But a little knowledge, especially when it comes to setting up your business, will help you STAY successful.

Small Businesses - Big Obstacles

Everyone is talking about small businesses. In 1993, when it was allowed, more than 90,000 new firms were registered by individuals.

Why Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Should

As the owner or an employee of a small-to medium-sized business, you might have never thought about media monitoring. Maybe you are not even sure what exactly is meant by this and have thus ignored it so far.

Postcards Make It Rain Referrals

One of the simplest ways to expand your marketing efforts is through the consistent use of postcards. Create a list of narrowly targeted prospects and then hammer away at them with powerful marketing messages.

Data Loss - Can Your Company Survive? (Most Do Not)

Data. Most people think it is a term relegated to the kingdom of geeks.

Postcard Marketing - Low Cost Visibility

You need to be visible to attract customers, right? But how do you get that visibility when you're short on cash? Here's an idea that's worked for many businesses. It's postcard marketing, and it's very affordable.

Are You a Small Business Lone Ranger? Take My 10-Question Quiz To Find Out!

So what exactly is a "Small Business Lone Ranger?" A "Small Business Lone Ranger" is a business owner who does all the work themselves.No matter how big or small the project, the Lone Ranger handles 100% of it.

Are You Ready to Own and Operate a Business?

How often has someone thought of starting a business based solely on the fact they think it will be easier than working for someone else. Fact is, owning and operating a business can be one of the most grueling experiences you will have. >[?

Earn More Money in Your Small Business by Creating a PIG

If you really want to earn more money with your small business than you need to strongly consider adding a P.I.

Small Business And The Ability To Find Market Place Opportunities

Marketing is one of the four corner-posts of a solid business. Knowing a few marketing tricks is great, but to be really successful you must be able to assess market place opportunities.

Do You Want Your Own Fully Programmable ERP? - Part 2

In the first article we mentioned the main characteristics that should have a software to be used as a Front-End with some functions of an Enterprise Resources Planning ERP:ODBC,Replication,Computed Views,Integrated e-Mail,and we used the Lotus Notes example, but in principle will be possible to use other softwares with similar functions.Now we will see a practical case, a system to detect and control - marketing, sales, new purchase orders - your aground products.

Do You Want Your Own Fully Programmable ERP? - Part 3

Continuing from the second article:6. About the aground mathematical model, let us to see the product k:First quantity received in 10/6/98, quantity 1,000, unit cost US$ 34.

The Role of the Business Model and Strategy for Business

People will always stress that having a well researched business plan is key before you start your business. Although creating a business plan is often an important step in the evolution of a business, particularly if you need financing or you are not experienced at running a business, it is not necessarily the essential first step.

Common Sources of Financing for Small Business

The choice of financing is an important determinant of whether a product reaches the market, or whether an existing business can survive. The choice of financing is an important part of being an entrepreneur and business owner, and the ability to raise cash when you have no or limited history takes skill and creativity.

New Habits, Rebounding Economy Help To Sell Giftware and Collectibles

Just a few years ago, when one thought of a home-based sales business, Tupperware, Avon and a host of multi-level marketing schemes might have come to mind. Today, however, changing market conditions and evolving consumer habits have converged to make home-based selling businesses a realistic opportunity with real profit potential.

Successfully Adding a Service To Your Business

There will come a time in your business where you feel ready to add another service offering. To make this successful, there are ten tips to consider before moving ahead.

Effectively Completing the Operations Plan Section of Your Business Plan

The Operations Plan is a critical component of any business plan as it presents the Company's action plan for executing its vision. The Operations Plan must detail 1) the processes that are performed to serve customers every day (short-term processes) and 2) the overall business milestones that the company must attain to be successful (long-term processes).

How to Create an Information Plan

What is in an information plan?Before you even meet with a potential customer, you should have an action plan in place. The action plan should consist of 5 areas.

Power Tools for Business

How do we keep track of our business deals?If you are only working with one or two deals, keeping track of them is a simple matter. However, most of us have far more than two deals on the plate and even more coming down the pipeline.

How to Bond a Business Relationship

When should you create a foundation in order to solidify a business relationship?Before you bond any business relationship, you need to make sure that this is a relationship that you both want to have. No relationship is a one way street; the relationship must work in both directions.

How to Integrate Yourself in Someone Elses Business

When do you need to get more involved with the day to day activities of your business partner?The best business relationship you can have is one where the client does not know whether you are a contractor or whether you are an employee. Working alongside the client, you are the one that offers solutions to problems.

Never Burn a Bridge

Why should you always maintain a good report with a business even when you are parting ways?It is human nature to get mad and then rant and rave about what is not going well at work. Many of us spend time gossiping and socializing with the main topic of what the problems are and who is responsible.

How to be Annoyed and Make Money

When do annoyances in a relationship become too much to bear?Have you ever worked for a client that drives you up the wall and back down the other side but you keep working with them because you need the money? I am sure most of us have been in that position and were so happy when that relationship finally broke up. It felt like you were finally free and able to do what you do best somewhere else, or you fell into panic because you had no income anymore.

Knowledge is Power

Why does research and education play an important part of the business relationship?Have you ever attended a business briefing or meeting without reading the materials ahead of time? I know I certainly have, and I also know that I felt like a fool when asked a question. It was up to me to be informed about the meeting and to read the information, and I neglected to do so.

Keeping Business Alive

Who is responsible for maintaining the business relationship?Nurturing a business relationship will take effort on your part and effort on the part of the other person. If you feel the business is worth having, then you must take the time to make sure you are in touch on a regular basis.

If You Want Business - Be Consistent

Why does consistency in the message have an effect on how the business relationship is formed?Your message to others needs to be consistent. You need to define your expertise and develop your elevator pitch.

More Resources

Finding the Right Virtual Assistant for Your Small Business
Articles abound advising the business community how to properly screen when looking for a Virtual Assistant (VA). Unfortunately, some of the advice may lead you astray, as it often ignores the fact that VAs are not employees but independent contractors providing professional business to business (B2B) services.
The PR Commitment to Small Business
We're birds of a feather, public relations and small business. Wonderfully compatible and a perfect fit.
How To Start A Blind Cleaning Business Quickly And Easily
Starting the blind cleaning business is one of the best marketable business ideas you could latch on to. If you give the requisite amount of time and dedication, there will be no cap on your earnings.
Franchisor Prospect Checklist Sample Form
Due to the over regulation in the Franchising Industry and the litigation it is important to keep impeccable records. From the first phone call, email to the signing of the franchise agreement everything should be documented.
Asphalt Paving: Striping Your Parking Lot
As you may already know, asphalt paved parking lots do need maintenance from time to time. One known asphalt paving maintenance technique is to have your parking lot re-striped to add a nicer look to existing asphalt paving properties.
Start a Resume Writing Service for Profit
The resume writing service serves an important role in the economy. Many qualified candidates have a difficult time marketing themselves to employers and turn to a professional writing service for assistance.
Not Listening Can Hurt Your Small Business
Most small business owners seek advisors who can help them improve their businesses. They want advice from those who have the experience and really know what they're talking about.
The Business Failed, But Did You?
Q: After years of dreaming about starting my own business, I finally took the plunge a little over a year ago. To say the least, my dream quickly became a nightmare.
The Failures Guide to Small Business Success
How many "get rich schemes" have you joined? Or have you invested in numerous legitimate business endeavors only to have them not work for you? Have you started you business and now facing a complete shut down? Do you consider yourself a failure? Are your loved ones pressing you to give up?Risk-taking is a large part of entrepreneurship, in fact it is what drives it, and it's why so many people avoid small business, despite its many potential rewards. Those of us who have tried it only to have failed may find ourselves right back where we started, which could leave us feeling like total failures.
7 Tips to Improving Your Cash Flow
Cash is King..
Your Babys Ugly..and Youve Got Bad Breath
I've got good news and bad news. The good news is that 98% of businesses are small businesses.
How to Give FREE Advice and Make Money
When is advice free and when should you charge for it?A question is often asked as to when to charge for information. This is not an easy question to answer as it really depends on the situation.
Self Serve Car Washes in the United States
In the 2003 Auto Laundry News Survey it was determined that only 10% of the Coin-op Car Washes had a web site. So if you are doing lots of individual research on car washes that are self serve, do not expect to find a lot of data on the Internet.
Financial Strategies for a Mobile Car Wash Business Plan
Writing a business plan for a mobile car wash is fairly easy, yet often operators fall down in understanding the financial strategies and costs. Bankers and Investors alike will want to see that you have a well thought out business plan to insure your start-up goes successfully.
When to Say NO!
When is it a good thing to say no to a request?Balance in one's life is perhaps the most important goal for busy people. They can take on many more projects that most others.
Collaborative Negotiating: A Win-Win Strategy
COLLABORATIVE NEGOTIATING:Collaborative negotiating is a win-win strategy that can focus the resources of the people involved in the process towards strengthening results, productivity, quality, creativity, and innovation in problem-solving. To use the collaborative approach to negotiating you will have to agree on the aim of negotiations.
Setting Up as an Electronic Repair Authorized Service Center
If you plan to upgrade your workshop into an Authorized Service Center, this should guarantee plenty of work and a secure future. Setting up from scratch as an Authorized Service Center is not an easy job.
Pet Grooming Business
Do you like animals? Would you like to work for yourself? Pet grooming could be the career for you.A grooming business is more than just washing dogs.
Small Business Failures in America - Cash Flow Issues
We are noticing an increase in the length of time it takes Large corporations to pay on their invoices to our team. Fortune 500s are tending to pay their vendors more slowly, which will hurt the already strapped small businesses in America.
Comparing Boston Area for a mobile car wash business
The Boston suburbs seem to be rich with possible locations to wash cars and a mobile car wash would be well served in that market. The customers have good jobs, high paying salaries and indeed demand such personal car washing services.

More Small Business Information:

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Franchise Territories are Generally Delineated On a Map; Why?
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Mobile Car and Truck Washing Vehicle Placement
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Dispute Resolution of Territory for Mobile Franchised Companies
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