Small Business Information

What Happened to the Money and Freedom?

Ask anyone trapped in a cubical about their entrepreneurial dream and they will tell you, "I want to own my own business. I'll make more and have more time.

Essex Accountants: Top Things to Look For

One of the most common horrific mistakes a business can make is hiring the wrong accountant. Once hired, it can be very costly to hire a replacement accountant due to the nature of the job which inherently and directly impacts your bottom line.

Small Business Credit Card Advantages

Obtaining a business credit card enables the small business owner to separate personal expenses from business expenses. Offering business credit cards to their employees eliminates the need for employees to use their personal credit cards or cash to make company purchases.

When and Why YOU Are the Best Writer for Your Business Plan

WHEN you are operating or planning a small business that is seeking funding for less than five million dollars, it's wise to consider writing your own plan.WHY you are the best qualified.

Hosted PBX, Is It Right For You?

"Order Now!" "Your Business Will Fail If You Don't Have This New Technology!" "Your Competition Has This Tool, Why Don't You?" Does any of this sound familiar? Does it make you cringe? It seems to be impossible to keep up with all the new trends in business today. It's hard to know which trends are just flash in the pan gimmicks and which are valuable tools that your business can actually benefit from.

Contract Cleaners - A Guide for Business Part 2

In the first part of this article I put forward 7 questions that I believed were important to ask of your potential cleaning company. In this article I will explain the relevance of the first two questions and the answers you get to you as a business.

The Greatest Challenges the Internet Consultant Faces!

While there are few career paths that some would call perfect, being a consultant comes pretty close to having it all. Yet while it is one of the best ways to earn a living, there are challenges and pitfalls that are sometimes overwhelming and unexpected.

Get Approved for a Franchise

Deciding to start your own franchise is just one of the first steps to getting started. Buying a franchise is a lot like dating.

Do You Need Accounting Software for Your Small Business?

If you're anything like me then you dislike with a vengeance doing your accounts and taxes.So how can you make this process easier, less painful and cut your accountancy fees?Well buying an accounting software package is one way.

Measuring Your Way to Success

Are you a motivational speaker who consistently gets rave reviews yet your ratio of speaking to return rate is not where you would like it to be? Perhaps you are a trainer whose delivery is complimented time and again, and yet you are only being asked by 10 to 20% of the clients you see for a repeat performance?Are you starting to think that there is something wrong with your message or delivery despite the rave reviews? Maybe you were wondering if your fee is too steep. That may be a valid concern when organizations are faced with discretionary spending, but the rule of thumb is that you are only charging too much if more than 1 in 5 people complain about it.

10 Cardinal Rules for Business Growth

After over 30 years of participating in hundreds of businesses,competing in at least as many different industries, withcompanies marketing both products and services, you begin todevelop and accumulate some fundamental businesses axioms or"rules of thumb" that seem to make more sense everyday and gainmore value in business practice as your career continues toadvance and evolve.You like to think what you have learned and the businessknowledge you have retained along your long and varied careerpath is unique, proprietary, or even "original", but somewheredeep inside you know that most of the things you hold near anddear to your own business self identity probably were alreadydeveloped, practiced, and taught way before you ever enteredyour first business conference room.

Is This The Way Its Always Been Done?

Let's face it, we all tend to get stuck in doing things 'the way they've always been done', and creating products, or services, in a similarly conservative mode.But there is another way.

The Types of Skip Trace Accounts

First, we need to define the different kinds of skip trace. There are three basic types of skip trace accounts, they are:The Typo AccountThis account is really not a skip trace account.

We Know Who THEY Are

Am I the only one that does not have an "A" button on my computer? I have looked on the keyboard, monitor and hard drive I can not find that darn thing anywhere. Nobody will tell me where it is.

How to Prevent Home Business Burnout

As a home business proprietor, you may already realize why avoiding "home business burnout" is so important. Even if you have only been working your home business venture for a relatively brief time, you may have already been aware of the need to maintain your energy levels and reduce your stress levels while you were involved in your other employment.

Entrepreneurs Go Virtual!

With the massive explosion of start-ups and home businesses developing, you'll be hard pressed to not know of someone going down the entrepreneurial route. Nowadays you can set-up shop and start trading in a matter of days, and the preferred choice for the neo entrepreneur is a service called Virtual Offices.

How to Make Your Business Image Stand Out Above The Crowd

Traditional advertising methods are still being used foralmost 90% of businesses today. The number one problem withthis, is that all everyone else seems to be following thesame old methods.

Round Pegs In Round Holes: The Amazing Secret of Succeeding in Any Business Every Time!

Success is the desire of everyman on the face of this earth.There is no normal human being without this yearning.

Top 10 Rules for Small Business Success

1. TargetYou are not all things to all people.

How to Increase the Cash Flow in Your Private Practice in 30 Days

If you have a busy private practice, chances are you also have pockets of cash lying around available for the plucking. It simply hasn't been collected yet, and may even have been overlooked.

Be Nice to Your Payroll Department

Ok, so next to the taxman, your company payroll department might well be the most criticised people on the planet. Of course, when your pay is accurate and on time then you love the payroll people with a passion but when things go wrong it is a completely different matter.

3.5 Million People And A Possible UK Home Business Opportunity

Has this ever happened to you..

Low Cost or Highly Funded Start Up

Many new ventures are preoccupied with all the money they are going to make, rather than how they are going to the about making it. Set realistic goals by setting realistic steps-discreet 'doable' actions, each of which connects to the next one in some logical progression.

Find Some Sample Payroll Check Stubs on the Net for Easy Reference

Starting a business? For many people, the bravery to venture out on your own is the ultimate dream, you're your own boss, you make your own time, and your dreams of making it big in the independent business lives on. But don't forget there are many responsibilities.

Get Free Payroll Forms Download from the Internet

Having a successful business means also having a good working relationship with your employees, and nothing more makes it sour than having problems with the payroll. You can't expect them to work gratis, employees expect to be paid and compensated fairly.

Using Excel Payroll Sheet to Make Payroll System Easier

For the employees, payday is the brightest day; they finally get the compensation they so well deserve for the services they rendered. For the employer, this could be nerve-wracking, not because they don't want to pay their employees, but because some employers have a hard time calculating the payroll.

The Key to a Successful Business

Where would a business be without a business plan? A business plan sets the course for the future of the business. It gives the business owner or manager a sense of direction, listing the objectives and goals of the business from the outset.

Small Business Stress Buster: Completion not Perfection

Completion not PerfectionFive Keys To Doubling Your Productivity and Boosting Your EffectivenessI frequently meet with business owners and executives who feel overworked and undervalued. Many of them are highly gifted and are in fact contributing a huge amount of work, energy and brilliance to the companies they own or work for.

Small Business Support Equals Survival

Support is critical for your small business survival. You may shy away from the thought of having an advisory board to guide you through your rough spots, but having a group of professionals who are willing to be your sounding board can mean the difference between success and failure.

If You Want To Be Remembered...

Send handwritten notes. That applies whether you're a guy or a gal.

But Weve Always Done It This Way

Sacred cows take a long time to die. We get comfortable in the way we do things and lose sight of how they could be improved.

What Your Small Business Can Learn From The Doctor

Most doctors never distinguish the difference between customers and patients. That's why they have waiting rooms instead of reception areas.

Small Business Publicity -- Worth It?

You bet it's worth it. Publicity via news releases, along with building relationships with reporters and editors is really good for your small business.

Your Small Business Suggestion Box

A suggestion box is a really good idea for your business. It can help you get valuable feedback from your customers -- feedback that they don't normally think to share with you.

Five Break-through Ideas to Immediately Increase Profits and Improve Cash Flow

Too often in business we get trapped into reviewing our sales numbers without analyzing the all important "profit" number. This is commonly referred to as the "bottom-line" of a business.

Small Business Franchise Opportunities

Many businesses offer small business franchise opportunities. There are many things that are needed for a small business of this kind, but the rewards are great.

11 Things Small Business Owners Can Learn From Punxsutawney Phil

1. Look Over Your Shoulder - Of course, Punxsutawney Phil has to look over his to search for his shadow.

Increase Profits With a Small Investment of Time and No Money

The less a business pays for goods and services the more profit that business generates. How does a small business with limited purchasing power get access to lower cost goods and services? The answer is simple.

The Most Important Decision of Your Massage Business Career

Don't you find that there are so many decisions you need to make each and every day regarding the direction of your massage practice. Especially if you are a solo-preneur or own your own massage business.

Why Does a Business Fail and What Can You Do to Stop It?

I believe the number one reason why a business will fail is lack of planning. This can be due to various reasons, perhaps because the market research wasn't sufficiently carried out in the first place, or because the financial burden was higher than was planned for etc.

More Resources

Why The Carwash Industry is Stagnant; What You Can Do to Change Your Field
Many years ago, I had warned the carwash industry of problems brewing in customer dissatisfaction as we continued to grow our car wash company into a National Franchise Chain. I warned of environmental controls, speed of wash, water usage, quality of labor, price points, car wash fundraisers, car damage, up selling and hot wax.
How to Wash Mobile Homes as a Business
Washing manufactured homes, mobile homes, can be a lucrative and steady business. Generally Mobile Home owners desire to have their mobile homes washed twice per year.
Choosing a Truck Wash Location in Nevada, Case Study
There are several well-known truck washes in the Great State of Nevada. Truckers need to get their truck washes as they travel West into California after coming off the mountains thru the weather, which dirties their trucks.
A Small Business Consultant Can Help in Many Ways... But One Thing He Can't Provide
A consultant must remember that the business belongs to the client. There is always a danger that the consultant will take a dominant position to the detriment of both of them.
Its Spring - Time For A Compensation Program Tune Up
Now that winter has passed, the annual ritual of spring cleaning is in full swing. Spring cleaning is more than cleaning the windows and clearing the cobwebs that hid in the corners during the winter.
Making a Donation to Bring MORE Business
How a donation is different from a sponsorship and what is the advantage to you?Donations are different from sponsorships, as a sponsorship is more likely to headline you for an event whereas a donation will let you be listed as one of the many donors. You do not need to headline every event to get business attention; you can simply donate an amount of funds and be listed.
Eight Ways To Improve Your Companys Cash-Flow - TODAY!
Cash is the lifeblood of any business. As humans need air to breath and food to eat, your business requires customers that provides the primary substance that keeps a business in business: cash.
How To Select a Franchise
Here are some useful tips on how to select a franchise. When selecting a franchise, carefully consider a number of factors, such as the demand for the products or services, likely competition, the franchisor's background, and the level of support you will receive because like any other investment, purchasing a franchise is a risk.
If You Want Business - Be Consistent
Why does consistency in the message have an effect on how the business relationship is formed?Your message to others needs to be consistent. You need to define your expertise and develop your elevator pitch.
Shopping For a Franchise
Shopping for a franchise is easy if you know what you are doing. You can choose between radio adverts, newspaper adverts, personal recommendation, Internet, or visit a franchise exhibition.
Image of Your Franchise Automotive Outlet is So Important
Image of your franchise automotive outlet is so important. Some say image is everything, well then if you buy a franchise you should be constantly thinking of image and cleanliness.
Your Babys Ugly..and Youve Got Bad Breath
I've got good news and bad news. The good news is that 98% of businesses are small businesses.
6 of 1, Half Dozen of the Other
Motivational author and speaker Jim Rohn says that for a business to succeed it takes about ahalf dozen things. Of all the millions of things you do, it's really that half dozen that count.
Small Does Not Mean Invisible!
Running a business on the net these days can be like looking up into a clear night sky; it can leave you feeling very small and insignificant.I am a one-person operation, and I also offer personal service.
Where To Get Money For a Franchise Idea
How often have you thumbed through a business opportunity magazine, noticed a franchise opportunity advertisement, and felt you'd really like to get in on that..
Start a Resume Writing Service for Profit
The resume writing service serves an important role in the economy. Many qualified candidates have a difficult time marketing themselves to employers and turn to a professional writing service for assistance.
Facts About Starting Elderly Group Home Businesses
There's been a recent rise in the number of elderly group home businesses springing up everywhere around the world, what with an estimated one in four families providing care for an elderly relative today. Before you decide to jump on the group home business bandwagon, though, you need to know as much as possible.
Specialty Advertising in C-Stores
It appears the mini-blimp indoor theme and concept is making significant headway. We have seen them in the halls of Congress sniffing for anthrax.
Survival Tips For Your Small Business
No matter type of business you operate you've got to know how to keep your business alive during economic recessions. Anytime the cash flow in a business, large or small, starts to tighten up, the money management of that business has to be run as a "tight ship.
Expanding Franchisee Advice
Franchisor expansion policies are not as simple as one might think. On the mind of every businessperson is the idea of expansion.

More Small Business Information:

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Definition of Security: Small Business Owner
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7 Card Tricks That Improve Your Personal Networking Power
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Comparing Boston Area for a mobile car wash business
The Boston suburbs seem to be rich with possible locations to wash cars and a mobile car wash would be well served in that market. The customers have good jobs, high paying salaries and indeed demand such personal car washing services.
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Racing the Competition
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Virtual Assistant - Questions Answered
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Pressure Washing Market Niche
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Analyzing Customers in Your Business Plan
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Packing Material Thats Cheap!
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Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Joining a Professional Association
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Small Business - Is The Accounting Profession Ripping Them Off?
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Should I Franchise or Not?
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Leverage The Power of Publicity For Your Small Business
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