Small Business Information

Starting an Aircraft Washing Service

To wash an airplane there are many items you will need to keep in mind. The first is safety while working on the tarmac of an airfield.

Aircraft Washing Business Tip - Interior Private Jet Cleaning

Aircraft Interiors of personal and corporate jets have hundreds of thousands of dollars invested. We have had an opportunity to speak at length in Tucson, AZ recently about the special custom interiors the weight they cost in performance and the needs in cleaning.

So You Don't Believe in Outsourcing

Entrepreneurs are hardy stock. But sometimes hardiness can get you into trouble.

Eight Key Steps to Selling Your Business and Cashing In

This year, some 700,000 American businesses will be sold. Most will be small and mid-sized businesses like yours.

How To Create A Business Note That Is More Attractive To A Note Investor

You are selling your small business (business value under $1 million for this article). You would like the buyer of your business to come in with an all-cash offer, or be able to qualify for an SBA guaranteed loan.

Top Ten Resolves for Building Your Business in 2005

1. Resolve to build a consistent network system.

Small Business Server Business Tips

Top 3 Ways to Maximize Your Small Business Server Consulting ProfitsOver the past 7 years, Microsoft Small Business Server (SBS) has gained traction as a widely-respected Small Business Server networking suite.As a result, many small business computer consultants, systems integrators, and value-added resellers have jumped on-board the Microsoft Small Business Server bandwagon.

Understanding Franchise Releationships in a Franchised Business

Now that you have invested your time, energy and money in buying a franchise, how do you work within the system? How do you take advantage of all your franchisor has to offer? How do you deal with your counterparts, other franchisees?In this chapter, I will give you tips that will help you thrive and prosper in your new business.CommunicationIn any franchise organization, it's important to maintain open communications lines.

Selling Your Business, Entrepreneurs Role

$elling $elling $ellingWhat makes a great sales person? Well, the natural ability to sell defnitely could not hurt. Sales people are a passionate, obviously people oriented, motivated and energetic bunch.

Passion Is Key To A Successful Business

Passion. Passion alone can make your business successful.

Why Internet Shopping is the New Mall of the Future

Last year, trillions of dollars transferred hands on the internet with regard to sales, or as the internet wishes to call it, eCommerce. The internet is becoming an increasingly complex manipulation of do's and don'ts.

4 Areas Where Your Business is Losing Money

In my 18 years of consulting I have heard it all. Everything from competition to managed care as reasons why it's hard to create the business of your dreams.

The Key to Creating Total System Empowerment

In this paper, I will:1. provide a framework for creating total system power at all levels and in all positions;2.

Creative Metrification - A Technique to Improve

Some things in business are relatively easy to measure - these are the "hard" metrics such as sales volume and profit, production per man-hour, time without an accident, shipments without error, number of customers served, on-time delivery, etc. Other, "soft" metrics, are more difficult to quantify, but with a little creativity, measurement can be made of just about anything.

From Birth to Death

Your product is dying. With the same inevitability that we humans move ever closer to death, so does every software application move towards its eventual demise.

Survival Tips For Small Businesses

You may be in Mail Order, Direct Mail, or you may be a local merchant with 150 employees; whichever, however orwhatever---you've got to know how to keep your business aliveduring economic recessions. Anytime the cash flow in a business,large or small, starts to tighten up, the money management ofthat business has to be run as a "tight ship.

Buying a Business

Start thinking about buying an established business if you want to avoid the immense risks involved in starting one. Not everyone wants to start a business from scratch, and buying a business with the infrastructure in place lets you focus on building it up, as opposed to getting a new business off the ground.

Creating Time the Virtual Way

Time. As a small business owner, it's the commodity you covet most but never seem to have enough of.

Shortcuts Will Kill Your Business

Think of your business as a living, breathing, organism. It requires you to give it a large portion of your time and effort in order for it to grow and flourish.

Tell Me The Reasons Why I Should Believe You?

Have you ever heard the phrase, 'PREPONDERANCE OF PROOF'?I recently heard it to describe a situation where a person was backed up against a wall (legally speaking) and needed a way out of the mess.The legal guy came in and said, 'I feel we may win this case'.

The End -- Fireworks or Fizzle?

Seems as though there are a lot of business closings going around lately. Everywhere I look small businesses -- one on top of another -- are closing their doors.

Can Your Business Run Without You?

What would happen if you decided to take an extended vacation? Would you still have the same business results when you returned?I met a business owner recently who told me an interesting story. His business was 15 years old and he had approximately 50 employees.

Small Businesses with BIG NAMES: Protect Your Trademarks and Reap the Rewards

You're a small business owner with a hot new product or service and you're deciding what to name it. Perhaps you've even hired a graphic designer to create a flashy logo to go with it.

Looking for a New Office Chair?

Perhaps you are building a new home office or you are redoing the one you have. Or, maybe you are looking for an office chair to replace that broken down model sitting in your office.

Creating Lists to Learn About Yourself, Your Business and Your Customers

I love lists. I make them for everything.

3 Ways To Make Certain Your Business Fails

Most small businesses incorporated in 2005 will fail by the year 2007. No matter the industry or the economic times in which the company was initially conceived, the fact remains that businesses fail on a daily basis due to general lack of knowledge and know-how.

Naming Your Business: 3 Tips To Ensure Success

If you are just starting your business, or if you have just developed a new product or service for an existing business, one of the first questions you need to answer is, "What should I name it?" And while you may feel pressure to make this decision quickly, I caution you to not make it lightly. What kind of things should you take into consideration when choosing a name?(1) Don't Use Your Own NameWell, first of all, use a name other than your own name.

Increase Productivity and Business Success - Take Responsibility

Are you responsible for your results?What comes to mind when I say that?When you hear that you're totally responsible for the results you produce in your business and in your life---you might jump to a conclusion. You may think that I'm suggesting that you should take the blame for your results.

Perception: What Are Your Patients REALLY Hearing?

Never underestimate the power of perception! Perception plays a major part in what is actually said -vs- how it is heard. And to patients.

Using Technology to Manage Customer Loyalty

Don't let your customer satisfaction research initiative collect dust on a shelf. Integrate technology with research to optimize the use of customer information.

Where Can I Get Clients From?

The following tips have come from a wide variety of sources; some from other successful businesses we know, some from our Home-Based and Small Business Support Group meetings and some we've developed by trial and error.Some of the ways to get clients are:contact previous employers;mailing lists;cold call your target market;attend group meetings and seminars for your target market (conventions for doctors, lawyers; computer seminars);attend local Chamber of Commerce meetings;join groups related to your target market;if your target market uses a specific system, for example accountants use the SafeGuard system, contact them and tell them that you are available to teach them how to use the system or you can do it for them.

Frodos Journey: What It Can Teach You About Marketing Your Small Business

Just recently, I took a break and caught "The Return of the King" at the movie theater. At the same time, I was pondering a topic for this article.

Top 10 Lessons for Small Business Success - As learned From My Twin 3 Year Olds

Small business success is very similar to learning to walk, talk and spell. The basics have to be understood before moving on to the next step.

Creative Marketing Tips: Simple Things You Can Use In Your Business To Attract More Clients

The single most important activity you can do in your small business is create a unique marketing strategy and plan. When was the last time you saw a company marketing themselves in an outrageous way? In this day and age it looks like everyone has read the same book on marketing - and sorry to say - that book doesn't work!What does work - is a little creativity, a little personality and a lot of effort to make yourself so different from your competition - that there is no real competition.

Top Ten Tips for Leveraging Conferences for Big SUCCESS!

As I am preparing for my attendance to the CoachVille's Third Annual Coaching Conference, I have been considering how I can make the most of my conference attendance. These ten tips will support you in leveraging those conference you will attend in the future and for creating an unforgettable experience!1.

7 Card Tricks That Improve Your Personal Networking Power

CARD SHARK7 Card Tricks That Improve Your Personal Networking PowerThe humble business card has been a mainstay of business and industry for years. But despite it's small size and cost, it's one of the most powerful marketing tools you will ever possess.

A Lesson From "The Apprentice" That Can Make You A Master

I have to admit, I was curious. When I saw previews of a new show called "The Apprentice," it made me want to at least watch the premiere to see what was going on.

How To Ruin Your Business

If you're like the rest of us, you've spent a lot of time trying different things to make your online business come together. There are countless methods of conducting a viable marketing career, but there are also as many ways to destroy one as well.

How To Get Slightly Famous in Print

Early in my career, I wrote an article for a small business magazine about self-publishing as a marketing tool for businesses. Because I specialize in helping businesses get into print, the article only took a few hours to write.

Find Your Niche & Follow It - Part 1

In this series of articles I'm going to show you how to find out if there's a hungry crowd for your information product BEFORE you write a single word.Mark Twain once said: "Find out where the people are going and get there first".

More Resources

Collect that Debt - Your Business Depends on it
The efficiency of debt collection is the difference between a business that will succeed and a business that closes up.If you do not have control of your debt collection then you will eventually fail.
Why You Need A Virtual Assistant
How much is your time really worth? Is it worth £50 an hour or £100 an hour? YOUR time is most valuable because it is your responsibility to generate new revenue for your business. Doing small and often trivial admin chores yourself does not really add value to your business and the sensible solution is to delegate those less profitable tasks by hiring someone more than capable of carrying them out, but who's hourly rate is somewhat less than your real financial worth.
How to Create an Information Plan
What is in an information plan?Before you even meet with a potential customer, you should have an action plan in place. The action plan should consist of 5 areas.
How to Bond a Business Relationship
When should you create a foundation in order to solidify a business relationship?Before you bond any business relationship, you need to make sure that this is a relationship that you both want to have. No relationship is a one way street; the relationship must work in both directions.
Electronic Franchise Disclosure and E-Signature Future for Investors
It has been discussed allowing Franchising companies to electronically disclose franchise documents to the public and prospective franchisees. If the Federal Trade Commission wants to make UFOC information available electronically through email to catch up with the newest technologies then it will get complaints and make up another rule saying no unsolicited UFOC maybe sent through email.
11 Things Small Business Owners Can Learn From Rudy Giuliani
1. Leadership Is Learned - While many people appear to have an innate ability to lead, most learn from their life and business experiences, then put these lessons into practice.
11 Things Small Business Owners Can Learn From Tiger
1. There Are No "gimmes" - They count two-foot putts on the PGA Tour.
How to Write a Credit Policy for Your Business
The book, "Become the Squeaky Wheel," by New Hampshire author Michelle Dunn, says the different ways people use and extend credit makes or breaks your credit policy and bottom line, which could result in less or more sales and money for your business."Business owners all have different types of businesses but can all extend credit," explains Michelle Dunn.
Virtual Assistance for Healthcare Professionals
Administrative and clerical tasks are the bane of every industry. No matter how small or large your business is, you will eventually find yourself with stacks of paperwork that need your attention and phone calls that need to be made.
How To Start A Blind Cleaning Business Quickly And Easily
Starting the blind cleaning business is one of the best marketable business ideas you could latch on to. If you give the requisite amount of time and dedication, there will be no cap on your earnings.
Pressure Washer Concrete Cleaning Equipment
Cleaning concrete is tough and there is an easy way and a hard way. There is one thing you need to understand when you are pressure washer cleaning concrete; the concrete cannot always be made to look brand new again after it has been stained.
Entrepreneurs Go Virtual!
With the massive explosion of start-ups and home businesses developing, you'll be hard pressed to not know of someone going down the entrepreneurial route. Nowadays you can set-up shop and start trading in a matter of days, and the preferred choice for the neo entrepreneur is a service called Virtual Offices.
6 Ways Small Businesses Can Survive In A Crazy Economy
Contrary to popular belief, small businesses can survive a crazy economy by taking some proactive steps.Provide spectacular customer service -- every time.
Do You Love Food? - Then Maybe Opening a Restaurant is Not Such a Crazy Idea
The restaurant industry in the United States employs an estimated 12.2 million people, making it the nation's largest employer outside of government agencies.
Becoming Recession Proof
A lot of business owners I've spoken with lately have commented how their business is slow because of "the recession." If you are one of these people, you might want to reconsider your position.
North County San Diego Small Business
North County San Diego has had some significant growth, and it appears to be a wonderful place to run a business. It has a strong middle class upward bias and plenty of opportunity and employment.
Franchise Territories are Generally Delineated On a Map; Why?
If you own a mobile service or home based franchise your exclusive territory will be delineated on a map in the attachment of your franchise agreement. You will be assigned generally a single city, county or region and another franchisee or team member of the same system will not compete with your although may be right around the corner.
Keeping your Business Alive
As long as you eat and breathe you will stay alive. But is that really living? In a crisis that may be enough.
Lack of Vigilance Can Harm the Bottom Line
The easiest way to lift profits is to cut the fat out of costs.Cost cutting and profit increases can amount to much the same thing if handled correctly.
13 Steps to Protect Yourself from Your Bank
The success of your business is critically dependent on how well you negotiate and manage your financial partners. Banks, investors, credit cards and financial services companies work for you.

More Small Business Information:

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Bogus Investor and Consumer Complaints and Consumer Misrepresentation
Like most regulatory bodies in the United States, the Federal Trade Commission gets investor and consumer complaints. But how much of these are actually real? These agencies then act on such complaints and increase regulations.
Basic Psychology of Franchisee Ownership and Expansion
If you are a franchisee of a large franchise system; before you expand your franchise to include more stores there are some questions you might ask yourself. If, however, you bought your franchise to expand, grow and amass a small empire of your own, your franchisor will be the last person to stand in your way.
Procrastinate Your Way To A Successful Small Business
What will your business look like a year from today?If you're like most small business owners, you have many things to do and not enough time to do them. Can't you just ignore them and procrastinate your way to success?Not likely.
Community Relations Strategy for Small Business
Does your company have a community relation strategy? Have you even considered it? It is essential to have policies in place. Having run a small business for years which eventually turned into a multi-state franchise system, I realized early on that a business who is part of the community it serves can survive the ups and downs of the business cycles, making it somewhat recession proof.
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De-Ionization Decisions in Mobile Car Washing
Many mobile car wash operators would like to add de-ionized water to their cleaning process. However before you do this you need to understand the reality of the return on investment.
Keeping a Partnership ALIVE and THRIVING
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How to Increase the Cash Flow in Your Private Practice in 30 Days
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Pressure Washing of Paving Equipment and The EPA
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Franchising and Royalty Payments
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Cash Flow: Why Chaos Equals Poor Cash Flow
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Combating Over Regulation of Small Business
Many small businesses do quite well due to the blood, sweat and tears of their proprietors. Unfortunately in doing to well often you find that the competition uses the government to attack you.
Implementing an Internship Program
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Uncover Free Veins Of Gold By Prospecting Online Guru Newsletters (Part 1 of 2)
Incredible as it sounds, you have a goldmine of free business advice and resources available to you for starting an online business. Many entrepreneurs are taking advantage of the unbelievable opportunity of financial independence by starting an Internet business.
Small Business - Is The Accounting Profession Ripping Them Off?
My 16 year-old daughter said, "Gee Dad! You look just like an accountant" And she wasn't being complimentary. Accountants are perceived to be boring, stodgy and conservative.