Custom LED Display

Custom LED Display, as the name specifies, facilitate control anything with any message that you can think of, from hours of operation to daily specials. These are used by almost all industries like factory, banks, airports, universities, libraries, and many others.

Custom LED displays are based on LED technology which gives it a modern sleek and thus the improved performance. This innovative technology enables the production of affordable giant displays.

LED's are solid-state devices with no moving parts and by producing little heat and being energy efficient, our current LED sign designs are at least five times more efficient than their incandescent counterparts.

These are designed to be lightweight and easily mountable. Moreover these are durable and reliable as they are made to be impact resistant. Custom Led displays can be designed according to the need of the user and considering all above aspects so that they can be maintained easily. Of course the maintenance helps improve the life of any electronic equipment, measures are taken into consideration while production, so that the cost of maintenance reduces at a great extent.

The customer can be provided with any specified LED colour and design package, with samples delivered, from initial approach, in less than four weeks, whether the product is rotary encoder for a state-of-the-art digital sound deck or a meter for a milling machine.

Custom LED displays are mounted on the wall or hanged from any ceiling for broadcasting information that sight from any distance. Moreover the brightness of these custom LED displays help sight from any distance very clearly.

About The Author

Paula Jones

Jayex Technology Limited, based in London specialise in advanced information display systems. Established in 1978 we have pioneered the development of the LED display market and now have over 18,000 customers worldwide. We offer, probably the largest range of models from small single line signs to big screen Megavision screens that can display live video and action replay in stadia.

More Resources

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