Avoid The Illusion of Internet Wealth

By: Kellie hastings

Another secret is to watch which classifieds, free or paid you run your ad in. Some have automated programs that post-bogus ads to attract the crowds. You then discover, their character limit is so limited, you had better write the best one line ad you can, or upgrade to a paying ad. And bingo, this is how they make their money.

All that work only for your ad to become lost within 1000's of pages of more ads amongst 1000's of more classified pages scattered over the Internet Highway of Informational Garble.And that's if they're even posted


Because lying underneath this blanket of moneymaking HYPE are truly reputable companies that actually rely on people like you and me to keep their success healthy and active. Yes I've purchased some bogus useless programs guaranteeing that one time purchase price of their product. Guaranteeing they will show me how to do this, how to do that when in reality all they end up showing me is which software I will need to buy to actually get their program up and running and maybe make some money.

I've also joined affiliate programs only to discover I needed a damn good site in order to promote them. I was then back to square one; how to promote them, which software I could afford and so on. I've set up three free websites, all sitting there stagnant. It's just too easy to set up a basic website. There is an abundance of free hosting sites that give you the all. When in fact, you can't do anything with your site unless you pay to upgrade and/or purchase their software.

What's even more difficult is knowing how to implement this software into your site. The internet computer language is another course you need to understand any of it. And finding a successful product; payment transactions; site maintenance and updates; customer management and promoting it to the masses. The list goes on, and on, and on.And then there's the money factor.

This is where I got off the Highway and began walking. Why?

For one thing I did not have a $1000 to take the chance if I didn't have a clue as to what I was doing. With no understanding as to how to maintain and run an e-commerce website. And not a clue of who to trust, what programs worked, what didn't. Lastly, to spend months learning how to use all this new software let alone which companies I would purchase them from.

Another never-ending list of gruelling tasks I wasn't prepared or willing to complete. So, I kept reading the countless ads out there not purchasing any of them. I read reviews and articles. I scrutinized countless websites absorbing information there. However, weeks later I finally discovered a very select few companies with proven reliability and success along with a complete training module written in plain English. And their free trial software.

If technology were the key ingredient for a successful small or large online business then I would need to be educated.And what better place to become educated then with the select few companies I've found so far. Reviewed and rated amongst the top 10.

If you are or have been seriously seeking out a reputable online company to join or use which offers what it advertisesand stands behind what it sells, then cut through all the crap out there and target your efforts to achieve maximum RESULTS.

Which ever road map you choose my friends, consider reviewing,joining or using successful online companies as options to give your online venture a nice healthy but very inexpensive start. And please, avoid those single item programs out there and choose wisely. The well-established companies will do far more for you than that little person selling you their AMAZING OR INCREDIBLE SECRETS TO MAKING $50,000/mth.

Because it isn't going to happen!!

There are Top Notch successful online companies offering exclusive products, software, TRAINING and excellentaffiliate and reseller programs.


Its been a pleasure sharing with you.

For further information regarding well known successful companies, email me.

It would be a pleasure to assist you in the right direction kellehastings@yahoo.com

A writer for 15 years I've expanded myself to the art of article writing and thoroughly enjoy it. My next article will be on publishers, ezines and online journels. A little advise on where to submit your most prized possession, your work. kellehastings@yahoo.com

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