Alternative Information

Healthy Life Make Ayurveda

Panchakarma, Cleansing and Rejuvenation Therapy By Vishnu Dass, LMT, NTS, CAyu Ayurveda, the ancient "Science of Life," is one of the oldest forms of health care in the world.

Natural Remedies For Treating a Cold

Sometimes it can be hard to escape that shivery feeling that happens when you get too cold. A good immediate remedy for this is to wrap yourself up in a douvet and stick a hairdryer up it, (making sure the air flow is not restricted) until you feel warmed up.

Wild Medicine and Tansy Cakes

It started with the Tansy cakes. I had to ask myself 'Why would anyone eat anything so utterly disgusting in taste'? Chrysanthemum Vulgare is a common perennial in the British Isles and the name Tansy is said to be derived from the Greek 'athansia', meaning 'immortal'.

Vibrational Medicine

Vibrational medicine attempts to treat people with various forms of pure energy. The influence of alternative medical systems such as Chinese, Ayervedic or Tibetan medicine have led in part to the development of machines that can 'image energy'.


Friends, The study below done a few years ago should scare the socksoff us all. We can do much better in this country.

YARROW TEA (Achillea Millefolium)

An amazing tea that can help with colds and flu, and also help you see in pure colour. Yarrow has an ancient history.

Taking Control of Your Health & Well-being

Taking Control of Your Health & Well-beingby Georgianna Donadio D.C.

Chronic Back Pain

Magnetic Advantage Newsletter. FEATURED TOPIC. Chronic Back Pain. By Bruce Spiegler. I had been to three different physicians. The car accident in 1990 had left me with terrible back pain.

Cure Arthritis? Right!

Arthritis sufferers are daily bombarded with new, better, more exciting treatments. Try Enbrel! Try Humira! Miracle drugs!Get your NSAIDS! Get your DMARDS! Pump more chemicals into your system.

Discover The Missing Key to Improving Your Health

Do you know the top ten causes for death? You will recognize them all.Here they are?1.

Why Air Purifiers Are Not Always The Answer To Indoor Air Quality Problems

Air purifier filters are not always the answer to air quality problems.Solving the problem is a much better approach than masking the symptom.

How to Clean-up Your Allergies with 2 Easy Home Tips

It's that time of year again when people who have allergies complain about nasal congestion, coughing, and wheezing, itching, shortness of breath, headache, fatigue, hives and other skin rashes. Many people experience allergies due to pollens from outdoors combined with foods and indoor stagnant air carrying dust, mold, and other air pollutants.

Inflammatory Arthritis: Alternative Treatments

There are two main types of arthritis: inflammatory arthritis and osteoarthritis. Inflammatory arthritis can be treated naturally without drugs.

Sheepskin Underlays, For a Better Sleep

Sheepskin a better sleep If you want a better sleep, consider that when medical researchers report on the best padding available for increased comfort and reduced stress, they are referring to sheepskin. One reason sheepskin makes for a better sleep is because sheepskin padding redistributes weight over a larger surface area than do other materials.

Powerful Essential Oils Kill Nail Fungus

Fungal infection of the nails is the one of the most difficult of all disorders to cure. Both fingernails and toenails may be affected, although toenail fungal infection is the most common type.

More Resources

Holistic Medicine
Holistic Medicine involves natural treatment options like holistic nutrition, herbology, environmental medicine, energy work, mind-body medicine, anatomy, and many other holistic medicine practices.Holistic medicine allows an individual to be treated naturally and establishes a positive balance between body, mind and spirit.
Revolutionary Medicine: Shockwave Therapy for Chronic Pain Sufferers
Stripped from the scenes from science fiction novels and films, shockwave therapy is a newage alternative to chronic pain sufferers. Utilized not only on humans for over 25 years for urologic and orthopedic conditions, shockwave therapy has even been introduced to veterinary and equine medicine as well.
A Rose is Not Just a Rose
The rose is perhaps one of the most powerful symbols in the metaphysical world. It is also one of the most accessible tools that can be used for everyday magic.
Serotonin Kills Pain - And May Be Available From Your Subconscious
Serotonin is not just for depression--it's potent for pain relief as well. Here's a drug-free way you may be able to increase your supply of this natural painkiller.
Natural Pain Relief Through Magnetic Therapy is Possible
No one can deny the power of magnets, racing pigeons find their way home across thousands of miles, and Salmon use the earth's magnetic pulses to travel through oceans to make their way back to their spawning grounds. The ancient Celts built their places of worship at points where the earth's magnetic ley lines intersect.
Why is Prevention So Important?
One of the least known and least practiced aspects of medicine is prevention. If you look at a list of medical specialists that have evolved in our system of western medicine, you will not find a Doctor of Preventive Medicine.
Storing, Handling And Using Essential Oils
Pure Essential Oils are a natural product and contain no preservatives or additives. A few of them can also be quite dangerous if not handled correctly.
Athlete Foot Remedies
Athlete foot is a common skin infection that is caused by a fungus. The medical term for foot fungus is tinea pedis.
Why Air Purifiers Are Not Always The Answer To Indoor Air Quality Problems
Air purifier filters are not always the answer to air quality problems.Solving the problem is a much better approach than masking the symptom.
Getting More out of Your Massage with a Epsom Bath Afterwards!
As a massage therapist, I often recommend taking a Hot Epsom salt Bath after a massage because of several factors. One I have moved alot of metabolic waste as I manipulated the muscle tissues.
Allergy Control: Reducing Airborne Allergens in Your Home
Those who are plagued by allergies are always struggling to diminish those irritants that cause watery eyes, runny noses and rashes that sometimes translate into full-blown hives. These and other symptoms can be brought about by a number of contaminants that infiltrate the very air that people breathe within their own homes.
Top 3 Yogis Secrets for Health and Happiness
For hundreds of years, the yogi's have been known to know the secrets for health, peace and happiness. In this short, but informative article, I will briefly describe 3 of these secrets with you.
How to Use a Footbath with Herbs
Recently I read a book by William L. Fischer called "Hidden Secrets of Super Perfect Health at Any Age", Book II, 1986.
Aromatherapys Mind-Smell Connection
Why is smell so strongly linked to memory and emotion?It is not fully understood, but this is no surprise as the complexities of brain activity are still far from being unravelled and understood. The brain holds far more secrets than we have discovered.
The Origins of Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy, which involves the use of essential oils to treat various ailments, has been used by healers for thousands of years. Although its origins are difficult to trace, the use of aromatherapy goes back at least 4,000 years, possibly beginning with the ancient Egyptians, who were known to have used aromatic botanicals in many different ways.
Stuttering Treatment, Stammering Treatment
There are many different treatments for people who stutter/stammer. In this article I will describe some of the experiences and types of stuttering or stammering therapy people experiment with.
Portrait of a Medical Intuitive
I am a Medical Intuitive in the San Francisco Bay area. As the name states, Medical Intuition is a science and art, where the practitioner uses a highly developed sense of intuition to "look" into the body and evaluate it on energetic levels.
Bodily Attributes!
The revolution is indeed underway. Money married to desire, imagination and necessity has produced a technological revolution which will see incredible changes and potential.
Fasting is the Fast Track to Detox
Because of our mechanized and industrialized society we find toxic chemicals such as lead, mercury and arsenic polluting our food, air, water and soil. The human body works hard to eliminate toxins, but as exposure increases, the body is less able to detoxify.
Bach Flower Remedies
Bach Flower remedies are 38 plant and flower based remedies which where created during the 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach.

More Alternative Information:

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Lavender : The Purple Panacea
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Vibrational Medicine
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Traditional Chinese Medicine
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Natural Smoothie Formula to Stop Constipation and Acne
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