How Sesame and Sunflower Seeds Can Relieve Constipation

By: Rudy Silva

Sesame seeds for constipation
Using sesame and sunflower seeds for constipation make a lot of sense. If you like to eat seeds then this is once way you can add more fiber, vitamins and minerals to your diet and at the same time reduce your constipation.

Maoshing Ni, Ph.D., C.A. and Cathy McNease, B.S., M.H. in their book, The TAO of Nutrition,1987, recommends using black sesame seeds for chronic constipation. Here's what he says,

"Grind black sesame seeds into a meal by using a small coffee grinder.
Mix with dark honey into a small ball.
Eat one three time a day dipped in rice wine."

Black sesame seeds also provide nutrition and action on the liver, intestines, kidney, and blood.

You can also prepare a sesame seeds soup with brown rice.
Soak 10 parts of sesame seeds with 1 part brown rice in distilled water
After they are soft, about an hour, pour out the water grind them in a small food grinder to produce liquid. Strain the remaining liquid to remove coarse particles.

• Dilute liquid with distilled water and add some honey.

• Cook on low heat until liquid becomes syrupy.

• Drink around two cups to relieve constipation with in hour or so.

And also, peas and brown sesame seeds - help to lubricate the intestinal walls. This makes it easier for fecal matter to move through your colon.

Sunflower seeds for constipation
Sunflower seeds promote regularity. Use them raw shelled and unsalted every day. They contain omega-6 fatty acid just like olive oil. You can use them grounded and add them to your morning smoothie, 1-2 teaspoons, or to your homemade salad dressing.

• Add them to your salad

• Add them to your morning cereal

Here's a sunflower drink you can make.

Take 1-2 tablespoons of sunflower seeds. Grind them in a coffee grinder. Add them to a cup of boiling water. Sweeten this mixture with honey, maple syrup, or blackstrap molasses. Drink this combination morning and night to help you with you constipation.

When you use grounded sunflower seed to add to your salad dressing your can also use sesame seeds at the same time. Use both of these seeds and experiment and find out how you like preparing them and eating them.

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