High Cholesterol A Detailed Perspective

Author: Dale Watson

Cholesterol is a fat or lipid produced by the liver and is very essential for smooth body function. It must be understood that in every cell in a body , there is cholesterol in the outer layer.

However, the amount of cholesterol that must be present in a body has to be watched as there are three types of cholesterol present in the body; bad cholesterol (LDL, good cholesterol (HDL) and Triglycerides.

When the level of bad cholesterol increases in the body due to varied reasons to be discussed in the following columns, a person is said to be having It and it may lead to various issues in having smooth life activities.

What are the functions of cholesterol in the body?

Cholesterol have major roles to play to keep it going smoothly such as:

Building and maintenance of the cell membrane's outer layer and prevention of crystallization of hydrocarbonsVital to establish as to which molecules to pass into the cell and which must notActively involved in the production of androgens and estrogens (Sex Hormones)Required for the production of hormones released by the adrenal glands and helps in bile productionConverts sunshine to vitamin D and is required for metabolism of fat soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and k and not forget it also insulates nerve fibers.

The normal level or the amount of cholesterol in a human blood could vary from 3.6 mmol/liter to 7.8 mmol/liter.

What could be the dangers involved with higher cholesterol levels in the human body?

Narrowing of the arteries (Medically known as Atherosclerosis)Risk of coronary heart diseaseHeart attackAngina (Chest pain when heart's muscles do not enough blood)Various other cardiovascular conditions (Diseases and complications related to heart and blood vessels)Strokes and mini-strokes

What are the possible symptoms of a person suspected of having a high cholesterol?

Angina, which is the narrowing of coronary arteries in the heartSharp leg while exercising may be because the arteries that supplies blood to the legs have narrowedRuptured blood vessels and blood clotsXanthomasRuptured plaques

What could be the possible causes of a high cholesterol level in a person's body?

Nutritions to blame- Some foods laced with cholesterol such as kidneys, eggs and more could not have an impact directly on the level of cholesterol in the blood but saturated fats may account for it. Foods higher in saturated fats such as red meat, cakes, cheese and more could account for high cholesterol levels.Inactive lifestyle- People having a sedentary lifestyle with mostly sitting works to do may have high levels of LDL and low level of HDL. Thus, such people shall indulge in activities beyond sitting too.Bodyweight- People who are obese and do not have a control on their increasing weight could also have high levels of LDL and low level of HDL.Smoking and drinking- Smoking and drinking could also increase the level of bad cholesterol (LDL)

Although many people take up generally prescribed and non-prescribed drugs to control and as good cholesterol cure, but as they may have some turbulent side-effects to further make the conditions worse. That's where opting for natural methods or remedies may be a better and more accepted cholesterol control measure in the long run.

Going for below mentioned cholesterol solutions may help to keep LDL level low

Going for plenty of exercise sessions whose frequency must be checked with a doctorEating a huge amount of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, oats and all low quality fats based foodsAvoidance of saturated fat based foods such as red meat or eating in moderationTrying to bring your weight under normal permissible limitsTaking adequate sleep (7-8 Hours)Completely stopping smoking and alcohol intake

Doing these would surely help you overcome the ill-effects of high cholesterol and act as greater and safer cholesterol cures or solutions in the long run. Be sure to always consult a qualified physician to decide which of these methods would suit you better depending on your case.

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