Inducting Rasayana Therapy in Our Daily Routine

Introduction: Ayurveda , the oldest health science has eight branches. Rasayana (rejuvenation) is one of them. Rasa has different meanings like "juice", "taste ", "essence," "flavor", or "emotion", but is not limited to any of these in itself. In therapeutic process Rasa is concerned with the conservation, transformation, and revitalization of energy. Rasa nourishes our body, boosts immunity and helps to keep the body and mind in best of health.

The Aim Of Rsayana :
The Rasayana therapy enhances the qualities of rasa, enriches it with nutrients. With such enriched excellent Rasa, one attains longevity, memory, intelligence, freedom from disorder, youthfulness, excellence of luster, complexion & voice, optimum development of physique and sense organs, mastery over phonetics, respectability and brilliance.

Types of Rasayana:

1. Types of rasayana preparations which can be consumed according to the needs.

A . Kamya Rasayanas : Kamya rasayanas are promoters of normal health. These boost body energy levels, immunity and general health.

• Pranakamya - Promoter of vitality and longevity
• Medhakamya - Promoter of intelligence.
• Srikamya - - Promoter of complexion.

B .Naimittika Rasayana- : Naimittika rasayanas help to fight a specific disease.

2. Types of Rasayanas on the basis of place of Therapy

A. Kuti Praveshika Rasayana - Indoor rasayanaTherapy .

B. Vatatapika Rasayana - Out door rasayana Therapy.

3. Types of Rasayanas On the basis diet and life styles.

A. .Aushdha Rasayana - Drug based Rasayana.
B. Ahara Rasayana - Dietary Rasayana.
C. Achara Rasayana - Life style Rasayana.

Preparation for Rasayana therapy :

It is very essential for a person who wishes to undergo rasayana therapy to undergo samshodhana (detoxification) as a preparatory procedure. The samshodhana process detoxifies both body and mind. A detoxified body and mind is a like a clean cloth which readily absorbs the color in which it has been dipped unlike a soiled cloth which looks soiled even after coloring with best colors.

But when a person is not eligible for samshodhana or is not able to get samshodhana then he can also consume rasayana preparations which still boost the qualities of rasa in his body.

Effect of rasayana therapy.

Rasayana therapy enriches nutritional quality of Rasa, enhances digestion and metabolism by normalizing agni or body fire, and promoting the competence of channels
Benefits of rasayana : The main purpose of Rasayana therapy is to retard the aging process and to delay the degenerative process in the body

• It enhances the intelligence, memory, body strength, luster of the skin, and modulation of voice

• It nourishes the blood, lymph, muscles, tissues, semen, and thus prevents Chronic degenerative disorders like Arthritis.

• Improves metabolic process and quality of body tissues and eradicates diseases of old age.

• Helps to attain optimal physical strength and sharpness of sense organs.

• Rasayana has marked action on reproductive organs and also nourishes shukra dhatu (semen)

• Rasayana nourishes the whole body and improves Immune system and hence the natural resistance to infection will be more.
By following Achara Rasayana one can be more Satwik and surge ahead in the spiritual field by his pure daily routines like speaking truth ,not getting angry, by having control over his sense organs and calmness,.

Natural foods which act as Rasayanas

Haritaki: Terminalia Chebula

It is called as Haritaki because it cures all the diseases.It has been alternatively named as Abhaya with appreciation on its action since it bestows permanent long life to those who use it always. It is also known as Vijaya since it is a conqueror of all the diseases.

A fresh , round and heavy fruits of haritaki are always best. It should sink in water and also devoid of any diseases.Such fruits are rich in taste and potency.

The fruit should be slit into two or three pieces and seed is removed .Such fruit pieces are cooked with four parts of water till they soften. Then they should be removed and allowed to cool. One part of ghee and one part of honey is added to this and kept aside for three days. It should be consumed later taking care of digestion power. After this rasayana is digested shstika sahli rice with cow’s milk is consumed. By using this rasayna one will be free from wrinkles, baldness and premature greying of hair. This gives very good memory power, eye sight and a long healthy life..

Ghee ( Clarified butter):
is the best known Rasayana which is very good rejuvenator and
Longevity promoter,. It also improves digestion, has soothening effects on the nervous system, Iimproves the glow of skin, enhances memory power, helps to retain the grasped matters and increases ojus. Ghee has a very good rate of absorption and it is a very good medium for transporting the nutrients of the food to the tissue So make sure that you use a spoon of to your daily food which is very easily and readily available to one and all. (This is not applicable to people who have high blood cholesterol).

These are the very rich source of Vitamin C and are known for there unique action like improving the resistance to cold, controlling the bleeding of gums, healing wounds and formation of scar tissue. The lemon acts as purifier and nourishing agent.

Squeeze half lime in a glass of luke warm water and add two tea spoons of honey to it. This helps to reduce weight when consumed in empty stomach at early hours of day.

Ginger improves digestion, removes ama (body toxin which causes diseases). Hence it is accepted world wide as medicine. Always use dry ground ginger which is more concentrated in its effects and flavor.

Sprinkle little dry ginger powder on a spoon of lemon juice and add little salt. This should be consumed forty-five minutes before meals to have a very good appetite and digestion.

Cumin Seeds:
Cumin seeds helps in digestion, digests and expels ama and balances doshas. To expel body toxins start the day with drinking Luke warm water with powdered cumin and ginger.

Green Gram :
Green gram is very light to digest and are best for people who have digestion problems. They are among the best legumes for there supreme digestibility and health giving qualities. Those who prefer light food can opt for this food.

Dates and figs:
These are known excellent source of energy. They also help to build the body tissues and improve the hemoglobin percentage . Hence eat two to three dates or figs a day.

These are nourishing and life -supporting . Eat five to six Almonds a day to build energy and strength. It is proved that Almonds helps in reducing the blood Cholesterol levels.
Lassi :
It is beverage prepared by mixing two part of water and one part of yogurt. It can be made a sweet beverage by adding little sugar or honey and little ground cardamom. For people who do not like sweet taste it can be made as a delicious salt and sour beverage by adding roasted cumin seeds and little salt. It is an excellent nutritive, digestive beverage and can be used during meals or taken as a desert after meal.

Seasonal Fruits:
Always use the juicy fresh fruits which are available in the season. They are of high nutritive value and are body purifiers also.

Along with all these food and medicinal Rasyana one should follow Achara Rasayna to have very good effects of rasayana.

Refs:. Charaka su sthana. Shu. Su .Sthana. Astanga sangraha uttar stahna

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