When it Comes to Internet Advertising, Return on Investment is the Biggest Concern for Vacation Rental Brokers and Property Managers

December 7, 2004 - According to a recent survey of vacation rental Brokers and property managers from different regions of the U.S., most expressed the value in advertising on the Internet and cited a generous return on investment as their biggest expectation from it. Eighty-eight percent of those Brokers advertise their vacation rentals on the Internet and most (41%) spend between $1,000-$5,000 dollars per year on Internet advertising.

All but one of the 27 Brokers surveyed said they had their vacation rentals listed on their own website and would therefore benefit from the use of RentJillsHouse.com's advertising options and direct link to their website. When asked how many website click throughs must occur in order for a reservation to occur, most had no idea. Less than half of these Brokers can calculate their return on investment and do not track Internet user activity.

The majority (69%) of those surveyed said that it takes them approximately 1 to 5 phone calls to result in a rental reservation being booked. This means that the most of these people would benefit from a toll-free phone number provided to them on their ad. RentJillsHouse.com conducted this survey in October 2004 at the Vacation Rental Managers Association 2004 Conference (VRMA).

All of the advertising packages on RentJillsHouse.com include a Broker logo that clicks through to their website, and a trackable toll-free phone number. Calculating return on investment is easy with RentJillsHouse.com's detailed and thorough tracking. With this reporting feature, Brokers can determine the number of times visitors viewed their property, clicked through to their website, called their property and the length and duration of each call.

RentJillsHouse.com is the ultimate online solution for advertising vacation home rentals and properties. The site is user-friendly and offers information on thousands of vacation rentals in popular U.S. destinations ranging from the Outer Banks of North Carolina to Lake Tahoe. The website's purpose is to bring vacation homeowners, Brokers and vacationers together through the ease and convenience of the Internet.

Headquartered in Norfolk, VA, RentJillsHouse.com is part of Trader Electronic Media's family of over 15 websites, which includes TraderOnline.com. Trader's high-traffic websites receive millions of visitors each week. The sites cover virtually every used vehicle and general merchandise category, including apartments, homes, employment and hotel lodging. Trader Electronic Media is a division of Trader Publishing Company. For more information about RentJillsHouse.com, call toll-free 866-369-8611 or visit http://www.RentJillsHouse.com.


Jackie Moniot is the Marketing Assistant for RentJillsHouse.com, a division of Trader Publishing Company, the nation's largest distributor of photo-classified ads.

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