The Point of Commercials is to Get You To Do Something?

By Lance Winslow

In business the point of an advertisement or a commercial on the radio or TV is to teach you to do something; either to get you to buy a product or make a decision. If you make a decision then we all know that psychologically in human nature is to reinforce that decision. Therefore the media and commercials can be a very valuable tool for getting someone to make a decision or convincing you of something.

This is why most political figures who win elections have the most airtight on TV and the media knows this and also knows that costs a lot of money and this is how they can make huge revenues during political season. It also doesn't matter if it is a large or small market it still works the same way for politicians.

In local markets a politician can advertise on the cable TV channel and expect to get a large number of votes from people who sit by the television set during certain peak hours and watch their TV. It works and this is why politicians do it.

Of course it also works to get you interested or committed to buy a certain product and this is why the businesses and corporations use commercial advertisements to get you to do something. It doesn't matter which medium that the advertising or commercials are in the still serve the same purpose; that is to say that their job is to get you to do something.

Now my question to you is; it is your company's advertising sending the right message and is it getting your target market or the consumer to do something such as buy your product? Consider this in 2006 and review all of you company's commercials for me will you because some of junk on TV is all wrong and I am sure it is not working as good as expected.

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