Fax Advertising : Hitting Your Target Immediately

In the business of marketing and advertising, it used to be that companies that wanted to get the word out quickly to key customers on a new development would rely on email with follow-up phone calls. But with the new technologies available in fax broadcasting, fax advertising has taken over as the advertising medium of choice when it comes to contacting your customers at the speed of light.

Fax Advertising Puts Your Message in Their Hands

A perfect example of how fax advertising hits your target customers immediately with your critical marketing communications is the use of fax broadcasting in the travel industry. With public transportation, time is of the essence. Thousands of travelers depart every hour all over the world, and things can change in a heartbeat. Anything that can speed things up in the travel business can save companies millions, and keep valuable customers from heading over to the competition for their travel.

Fax advertising has proven to be the perfect tool for handling the lightning-speed requirements of the travel and transportation industry when they need to get their advertising in their customers' hands at a moments notice. For example, one cruise line has 10 cruise ships that set sail about 14,500 times per year. With those kinds of numbers, unsold berths on each ship can add up to tons of lost sales throughout the course of a year, and it can be almost impossible to make potential customers aware of the empty berths at the last minute when a ship needs to take off.

Fax advertising to the rescue! That same cruise line has begun using a highly sophisticated fax advertising system which allows them to identify those travel agents that have been making reservations for customers most recently. The line is able to blast last- minute fax broadcasts to those travel agents, offering discounts if someone want to purchase a last- minute ticket for the empty berths right before a ship sets sail. The fax advertising has resulted in a huge increase in sales as a result, despite the last minute time crunch.

The same applies for the airline industry, where the timing of flight arrivals and departures is tight and quick communication is a must. One small, upstart airline was innovative enough to employ fax advertising to win business away from the competition. When a large competitor airline had to temporarily stop operations due to a strike, the small upstart went into action with a fax broadcasting campaign, quickly notifying travel agents of its excess seat capacity in certain areas and its ability to accommodate passengers left out in the cold by the strike. Even though the strike was over in a week, it was still enough time for this innovative air carrier to sell seats to lots of people who couldn't delay their travel plans for the strike, thanks to the speed of fax broadcasting.

You may be in a business where time is of the essence. Maybe you have excess capacity that has gone wasted because you just couldn't offer it to customers due to time constraints. Or perhaps there have been times when your own competitors have dropped the ball, but you couldn't take advantage of the situation quickly enough to use it to your advantage. If you find your business in these types of situations, fax advertising may be your perfect solution. If you're interested, test the water. Hire a fax advertising services firm and do a few trial runs. If your sales take off as a result, you can expand your fax advertising instantaneously with a simple mouse-click. Who knows; like the travel industry, you may find your sales taking off and heading for the clouds.

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