Serrapeptase - A Relieving Solution

Author: Richardadwards

Found naturally in the intestines of the silkworm, Serrapeptase, that is also known as Serratia peptidase, is an enzyme that is isolated from Serratia E15, a non-pathogenic enterobacteria. It has been claimed that Serrapeptase is effective with a plethora of health problems; which include atherosclerosis, carpal tunnel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, back pain, sinusitis, sore throat and headache. Consuming serrapeptase directly is ineffective as the acids in the stomach destroy the enzyme. But, when consumed while in a protected capsule, it is directed to the intestine where it is absorbed into the bloodstream.

Based on clinical research, Serrapeptase has been shown to possess anti-inflammatory properties. It induces fibrinolytic, anti-inflammatory and anti edemic activities in tissues which helps in reducing swelling and pain by blocking the release of amines which induce pain. Serrapeptase works in various ways. It speeds up tissue repair by propagating the drainage of fluids from injury or by thinning the fluids, thereby also reducing inflammation. Bradykinin is the pain-inducing amine that is released when the body is subjected to strain and Serrapeptase blocks its release. Serrapeptase also helps in boosting cardiovascular health. By breaking down fibrin,that is released during blood coagulation; it dissolves fibrin without damaging living tissue.

Many clinical trials and studies have been done to establish the naturally occurring properties of Serrapeptase. People suffering from chronic nose, ear and throat problems were injected with either a placebo or Serrapeptase and their reactions were compared. Patients tested with Serrapeptase experienced an acute reduction in the severity of pain, lesser secretion, lesser amount of pus in the secretions, lowered difficulty in swallowing, nasal obstruction and body temperature. Patients with laryngitis, catarrhal rhinopharyngitis and sinus, who were tested for treatment response also exhibited a rapid improvement of symptoms.

Though effective, Serrapeptase combined with antibiotics is more powerful and delivers concentrated antimicrobial agent to the infection site hence lowering the bacterial immunity. Serrapeptase is already quite well adopted as a standard treatment in many European countries for traumatic swellings. It has also been found to relieve patients of pain as quick as it lowered their inflammations. A chain of controlled clinical tests and trials on various groups of people have established Serrapeptase as a superior drug over other proteolytic enzymes. Well-tolerated by all body types, having the least side effects and its anti-inflammatory properties are well on the way of making Serrapeptase the perfect solution for inflammatory diseases.

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