Health & Longevity With BelAir Aromatherapy

1. Clean and Fresh Air

Bacterial allergens and other pollutants constantly in the air would mean that we are subjected to a long-term disease causing air environment, without protection. Bel' Air aromatherapy can help eliminate the harm from such floating debris, effectively preventing onsets of airborne ailments such as allergies, rhinitis, asthma, and colds, thus giving you the air that is at once clean and fresh.

2. A Nutrients-Filled Atmosphere

Bel' Air aromatherapy can produce plant essences and anions. These essences have antibacterial properties, purifying the air and reducing the pollution. They work to engender smooth and easy breathing, and a heightened sense of alertness, vitality and freshness. With each intake of breathe into the body, comes the aid that would at once enable you to dispel the common ailments of modern times, and for achieving a balance of mind and body working in harmony. Professor of the Physiology Department of Harvard University School of Public Health described anions that are found in the air as "Air Vitamins". The more the anions there are, the greater the health benefits to a person's mind and body. With Bel' Air aromatherapy, more nutrients are added to the air around you, enabling you to enjoy the refreshing benefits of a "bath in the forest" every day.

3. "Back to Nature" Therapy

All lifes have the innate ability to maintain their intrinsic balance. When the balance has at any time been upset, it would seek to be restored on its own. Bel'Air aromatherapy stimulates the human body by harnessing respective plant energies in the form of their essences to help the body maintain the state of energy balance of its being. This may be described as a "Back to Nature" therapy.

4. Body Circulatory Functions Management

Plant essential oils can act on the brain's sympathetic nerves (main nerve) and have direct effect on the lymphatic system, increasing the energy in the lymphatic system, helping in the body's management of toxins and enhancing regulation of blood flow. At the same time, it can the increase the vitality level of the lungs, leading to substantial increase of oxygen into the blood, enlivening and causing cell regeneration and strengthening immunity functions.

5. Home Environment Management

Can be used to get rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, ants, fleas, spiders, insects and so on, and can prevent onset of diseases by contagion. They can be used to remove odors and secondary smoke, giving you a clean, comfortable and healthy air environment.

6. Mood Management

The arch enemy of our EQ management is stress. When emotions run riot, the health of mind and body would be affected. The natural fragrance from plant essential oils can calm nerves, and help you to relieve stress. You can then be completely relaxed, with a well-managed EQ, and the feedback to the inner body vitality can help to prevent development of mental ailments with emotional causes. The soothing fragrance can also help to relax and to induce sleep.

7. Preventive Healthcare

Bel'Air continuously develops new products that carry more healthcare benefits. In this way, aromatherapy products are not only endowed with the functions of air purification, germs elimination and mood management, they also deliver great benefits in terms of elevating the body immunity system and can improve various bodily ailments, thus achieving the medical function of preventive healthcare.

8. Cultivating the Lifestyle of Enjoyment

Bel'Air aromatherapy fills your life with a romantic ambience. The incomparable appeal and elegance of Bel'Air's artistically crafted aromatherapy diffuser lamps are the result of a perfect integration that combines modern technology and timeless artistry. This is so as to render your life at once healthier and more enjoyable.

Uses and Applications of Bel'Air aromatherapy At A Glance

Improvement of environmental hygiene, neutralisation of odors, dissipation of secondhand smoke and air purification.

Immunity enhancement.

Lung vitality enhancement.

Improvement of respiratory functions, reduction of nasal allergic conditions and breathing problems.

Insect repellent and anti-bacterial action.

An aid for stabilisation of hormonal levels, enhancement of cellular vitality and anti-aging.

Invigoration of state of health and alertness, improvement of memory.

Induction of calmness, a state of relaxation, sleep, relief of headaches and sense of well-being.

Nur Syahid, a Natural Aromatherapist, specializes in Bio-Tech Aromatherapy including oxygen therapy, ozone therapy, health aromatherapy.

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